vista filepicker crashes applications; unable to open or save file



The vista filepicker crashes programs. Whenever I click open, save as, or
browse, the application crashes. For Windows Calendar, this simply closes the
application. For Firefox, it alerts me that the filepicker has unexpectedly
been closed by Windows and hangs the window. For the task manager, a dialog
pops up that says something went wrong and it needs to close the window. For
Notepad2, it closes the application.

This is a serious issue because I can't open or save files! I am running
Vista Business, up-to-date, no viruses/spyware. I upgraded from XP Pro SP2
using the upgrade option. I am running on 512 MB of RAM with an additional
230MB of ReadyBoost. Running Aero with 32MB video memory. (I know, it's

Steve Cochran

Turn off Aero for one thing. You are pushing the limits it looks like.

Try system file checker and see if that helps.

Does it work in Safe Mode?



I'me having this same issues and it sucks terribly. I also have Vista
Business. ANY HELP???


I'me having this same issues and it sucks terribly. I also haveVista
Business. ANY HELP???

I too had a similar problem, but have managed to fix it!

In my case it was because I had upgraded from XP to Vista and the
install process had left a key in the registry that was causing
problems, I deleted the registry key and the problem appears to be

The key that I deleted was HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows

remove the entire Shellicons key, but remember hacking your registry
might knacker your machine!

I have now got a working version of Vista though!


I also have now this problem using Vista Ultimate 32bit
eg i try to add an attach to a mail in the windows (new) mail program and
the application closes (without saving the written email ;-(
but i can copy&paste the file so i "solved" the problem

Aber es ist total nervig!!!
(sorry for the german but i don't know this in english ;-))
In my case it was because I had upgraded from XP to Vista and the
install process had left a key in the registry that was causing
problems, I deleted the registry key and the problem appears to be

The key that I deleted was HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows

remove the entire Shellicons key, but remember hacking your registry
might knacker your machine!

I also upgraded from Windows XP but cannot find this key in my registry!!!


Yes, me too. Vista Business upgraded from XP Pro. System restore doesn't
help, the problem still exists in safe mode and I don't have the ShellIcons
key in my registry.

I've found out that the crashing of applications on opening the open/save
dialog is the result of Data Execution Prevention (hidden somewhere deep into
the system settings) but you can't shut that off.

You can, however, make DEP ignore applications. To do that, simply browse to
the .exe of the application and... yep... it crashes before you can do that.
So, no possible way to fix this without MS making a patch for this problem.
Maybe a clean install of Vista might do the trick, but I deliberately chose
an upgrade because it'll cost me several days to reinstall all my

If anyone has any other suggestions...?


Thanks a lot Rupert. I was facing different kind of problems apart from
freezing of the file open window when ever i try to open a file using
file open. The below solution really worked for me.

Apart from the above problem i also had different kind of issues after
an upgrade to Vista...the folder icons were not showing up in the
program files menu and also when i explore windows the folder icons
were not showing up. Deleting the shell registry directory solved all
the issues i was having.

Thanks again.

(e-mail address removed);2612261 Wrote:

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I'm having the same problem with windows xp. It seems to have started
after the company installed outlook 2007 on my machine. Don't know if
this helps you guys any because I'm looking for a solution as well.

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