Vista Exployer Detailed View Music and Pictures - No Dates


Buz Fuller

Why can't I sort Music or Photos by date. When I select detailed view, I
see no dates. All I see is Artist, Album, etc. I tried classic view, but had
same results.

I'm trying to find latest (or newest) files.

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

Right click on one of the existing fields "Name" for example. On the context
menu, click More..., under "Details:" scroll down and check "Date Modified"
or "Date Received", click OK. Now you can sort by date.

John Inzer

Buz said:
Why can't I sort Music or Photos by date. When I select detailed
view, I see no dates. All I see is Artist, Album, etc. I tried
classic view, but had same results.

I'm trying to find latest (or newest) files.
If you right click one of the current columns
you should see a menu with additional
categories you can add.

John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
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Adam Albright

Why can't I sort Music or Photos by date. When I select detailed view, I
see no dates. All I see is Artist, Album, etc. I tried classic view, but had
same results.

I'm trying to find latest (or newest) files.

A two step process most of the time. First go to the folder you want
to sort by dates, first if not already change to view details so you
see the columns in the right window pane.

Right click on a blank area, then Sort by. Do you see the option you
want to sort by on the list? If so, check it. If not, click the more

Oh geez... now there are hundreds of options to pick from. Scan the
list and check the ones you want to add. Now try again. If you don't
see the option you checked the trick part is to go back to the more
list then move the options you want further up on the list by clicking
repeatedly on the move up button. Now try.

Bonus tricks:

# 1 Note that if you hover your mouse over any vertical boundry
between columns in the column heading row while holding down your
left mouse button you can resize the column's width.

# 2 Now if your want to rearrage how the columns appear, move your
mouse over a column header until it is highlighted and changes
color. Again while holding down your left mouse drag the column
left or right to change it's relative position. This only impacts
how the columns appear, not how they get sorted.

# 3 You can sort by any column as well by just clicking on the
column heading. Example, if you had a 1,000 files, you may
want to sort by date modified. To do that, just click on
that column heading, assuming you added a date modifed column.

By the way, that's the option you want to add, date modified from the
more list if you want to sort by date. But there are several similar
options to try too.

Now the best tip. Vista uses basic AI to decide what to show in
folders. That isn't always the best choice, but it tries. Since you
mentioned music try this:

Make a folder that has nothing but audio files. Vista should by itself
add some fields like Artist, Album, Genre, track number and a star
ranking system. With just a few clicks like explained above you could
sort your music by type, artist, etc..

Since the fields are editable, you can modify them to your own tastes
like changing genre or adding notes. To do that, right click on a
file, properties, detail tab. Now the trick here is click in the white
space under the detail column in the window that opens. It should show
a small text box where you can add/change details on many fields that
get remembered.

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