Vista Explorer - Colums Wiidth



I’m very much upset about Vista not allowing on Explorer to adjust the width
of the single columns on folders TO MY PERSONAL NEED.
Am I not aware of something, or really there is no option to do what I like?

~Alex~.:MVP Windows Shell/User:.

IT does. It just depends on which View you are using. Click the View
button and check through the View types and find one that fits your needs.
After that get the Window set up as you want it. then hit F11 twice. This
will take it to full screen and then take it back to your personal settings.
I have found this method very useful to save folders in the manner that I

-- -------------
~Alex T~
..:MVP Windows Shell/User:.


I appreciate. Thank you.
Let me please comment that I find this behavior not very much understandable.
The need I have to modify columns width is very much related to the time
when I'm using the folders. Sometimes I need to display wider one column, few
second later another column; this depending from the job I'm going trough.
However I must accept it.
Thank you again.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

ildegardo said:
I’m very much upset about Vista not allowing on Explorer to adjust the
of the single columns on folders TO MY PERSONAL NEED.
Am I not aware of something, or really there is no option to do what I

Another trick:
Select (but not open) an item that does not fully display. Hold down Ctrl
while you press the '+' on the number pad and the column will expand to show
the whole contents.


I’m feeling that my question was not fully understandable.
My real need is to modify the width of columns to ANY SIZE that I like.
I.e. to reduce and/or enlarge columns on the SAME WAY it was possible with
W2K or XP.
Is there this possibility?
Sorry for my insistence.
Thank you.

John Smith

you are talking to a bunch of idiots in here...

luckily some whose brains have not been consumed by vista do understand
you.. what you are asking is simple.. and vista doesn't do it! lol

After setting the column width Vista forgets that change whatever you do...
even if you go and try making all folders remember the settings of your
current folder...

in all other versions of windows it did remember... but vista is a pile of

You are right to be disturbed..

Tom Allen

ildegardo said:
I'm feeling that my question was not fully understandable.
My real need is to modify the width of columns to ANY SIZE that I
I.e. to reduce and/or enlarge columns on the SAME WAY it was possible
W2K or XP.
Is there this possibility?
Sorry for my insistence.
Thank you.
Are you saying that you cannot drag the column header boundaries to suit
and/or that right-clicking the headers and selecting 'size all columns
to fit' does not work ?


John Smith

it works.. but it doesnt stay put as you like it was with older versions of


Hi Tom,

Right-clicking the headers and selecting 'size all columns to fit' works
properly. Also 'size to fit' on the single column works properly.
But I would like really to have the possibility to size each one column to
MY preferred size just dragging on the columns header (like W2K or XP).

Is it possible?
Thank you.

Tom Allen

ildegardo said:
Hi Tom,

Right-clicking the headers and selecting 'size all columns to fit'
properly. Also 'size to fit' on the single column works properly.
But I would like really to have the possibility to size each one
column to
MY preferred size just dragging on the columns header (like W2K or

Is it possible?
Thank you.
I'm a bit puzzled now because that is exactly what I do.
If you roll your ponter over the right hand side of the 'filter' down
arrow for each column heading does it not become a two way horizontal
ponter which you can drag ? I suspect it needs a more delicate touch
than before.



Regrettably it does not work this way.
I’m running a pre-installed Vista Home Premium.
However thank you. I will investigate by the store where I bought the PC.

John Smith

I told you Vista doesnt work that way..

and there is nothing you can do to fix it!

Unless you use another file manager, like xyplorer for example
*that is good by the way*

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