Vista Exploded!



I got a new vista...

and started installing the normal programs I would like to use on xp...

the system got fatter and fatter and slower and slower...

I added 10 USB drives for readyboost, filled up the ram slots with the
biggest chips I could find...

it was a bit better... I continued installing... vista got slower to a

I over clocked the CPU and GPU trying to get some juice of of vista but it

UAC in my face, dreamscene - a crawling, defrag progress no where in

the hard drive kept spinning and spinning and spinning indexing files...

after a bit blue screens came a- flying with binary cries

.... and the box started to quiver...

aero started to shiver...

The speakers started to squeal like they were being baked alive!

I ran for some cover just it time because a big BOOM sounded ....

where vista stood was, now a crater all black....
no one would survive this not even a monkey like frank!

Its a miracle Im still alive! Next time it will be XP that I will install on
my Drive.... :)

Synapse Syndrome

Tiberius said:
I got a new vista...

and started installing the normal programs I would like to use on xp...

the system got fatter and fatter and slower and slower...

I added 10 USB drives for readyboost, filled up the ram slots with the
biggest chips I could find...

it was a bit better... I continued installing... vista got slower to a

I over clocked the CPU and GPU trying to get some juice of of vista but it

UAC in my face, dreamscene - a crawling, defrag progress no where in

the hard drive kept spinning and spinning and spinning indexing files...

after a bit blue screens came a- flying with binary cries

... and the box started to quiver...

aero started to shiver...

The speakers started to squeal like they were being baked alive!

I ran for some cover just it time because a big BOOM sounded ....

where vista stood was, now a crater all black....
no one would survive this not even a monkey like frank!

Its a miracle Im still alive! Next time it will be XP that I will install
on my Drive.... :)




Next Time, I Suggest That You Try Out Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate
0, Just FYI.

P.S. Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 Is Where The WOW Went, Just

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