Vista Business Networkin Connections crash!


Kevin Baykr

I upgraded my XP a week ago and i installed vista.. I added 1G RAM and Vista
is working ok.. But i'm having connection problems.. Here's the story, when i
only use MSN it connects for an hour then Network connections crash,
everything that has to do with the Internet and Networking stops responding..
The same thing happens if I open MSN and IE but this time after 1 min, and
the same thing again happens when i have 2 Internet browsers working, or when
I'm downloading something and have any other Internet application running.
All is better when I reboot my system.

Does anyone know what is causing the problem?!

Robert L. \(MS-MVP\)

This could be incompatible issue. You may want to disable IPv6. These links
may help.

Vista IPCONFIG and Network SettingsHow to disable Auto-tuning on Windows
Vista · How to disable TCP/IPv6 · How to remove IPv6 and Tunnel completely
on Vista ...

Vista incompatible issuesVista Incompatible issues. 1. Some switches
or routers may not compatible with Vista – Solutions: upgrade the firmware,
disable the IPv6, re-configure the ...

Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN Troubleshooting on
How to Setup Windows, Network, VPN & Remote Access on

Kevin Baykr

i had done that before but that didn't work anyway thank you for your
response but i solved the problem my self.. It seems that the Windows
firewall and the Symantec Endpoint Protection's firewall were counteracting
with each other, thus causing the Network Connections to crash.. I Simply
disabled my Symantec's firewall and all is fine now. :)

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