Vista beta 2 won't boot, can't get pass chkdsk



I installed my vista beta 2 x86, and the installation completed succesfully,
but when I got to screen where I create my new account, set computer name.
After those steps I clicked the vista logo "Start" or something. and my
computer booted.

Now when booting, Chkdsk wants to check my hd, and there is 5 seconds time
to cancel it by pressing any key. but, it won't stop even if I press enter.
It runs itself, and I only get many entries of this message: "Inserting an
index entry into index $0 of file 25."

to shutdown my computer, I have to cut the power off it.

and "safe mode" froze after loading .sys -files etc. Tried re-installing 5
times for now. (With two different HD).

Rick Rogers


Remove all existing partitions and start over on the drive (obviously you
want to make sure there is nothing on the drive that you want to save
first). I would recommend a zero-write utility be used to start with a clean

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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