Vista Beta 2 Install Problem

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(xcuse my english (I'm Fr)
Nero isn't the pb! I try to mount the ISO in Daemon Tools, but i've got the
80070241 at 0% !
Sorry for my bad english

my best guess is that it is a problem whit a small part of the download that
gives the problem... where the bad part of the Download change from person to
person (and therefore the % change)

i am currently downloading again (whit another download manager) to see if
that gives me a ISO that works... its taking me about 9 hours to DL the iso
file so hopes the next one works

ill write if it works when i have testet it
Sorry for my bad english

my best guess is that it is a problem whit a small part of the download that
gives the problem... where the bad part of the Download change from person to
person (and therefore the % change)

i am currently downloading again (whit another download manager) to see if
that gives me a ISO that works... its taking me about 9 hours to DL the iso
file so hopes the next one works

ill write if it works when i have testet it
daemon tools is FREE.
from experience, nero is best used from safe mode and using the slowest speed possible, be sure and check the VERIFY after burn box.

from my perspective, there is a problem with the download software from microsoft and error recovery. that is why I download from safe mode with networking. only way I am able to get a good verifyable downlaod.

(e-mail address removed)

Dumb question, but then I am known for them. How do you verify the download?
I don't have Daemon tools. I have nero only. It says the file is good but
then????? Is there another way to verify. I sure would hate to have to
redownload this thing. Took me almost five hours using Verizon DSL and DAP,
which both worked smoothly all through the download. Is this a way to sell
the DVD instead of the free download? Sorry Microsoft but it appears that
something is wrong when so many people are having the same problem and
getting the same error.....Is the install.wim file faulty? Or is setup not
setting up the folder that install.wim is supposed to be installing to? I am
referring of course to the error 800070241, which by the way is in the
logfile after failure, under the Panther folder. Took me forever to go
through the entire logfile but that is where the problem seems to lie as far
as I can see. I am about to give up on this one unless there is a brainiac
out there who can figure this one out.
for me atleast, the download program that is used from microsoft does a verify after the download is complete. have NEVERR had a good download without using SAFEW mode with netowrking.
the seems to be a problem with the downloader and error recovery.

(e-mail address removed)

how do you know if it is a good download? I tried copying the files on to
another drive same problem no difference
Downloaded the image file again and now it works perfectly
The problem must be due to the download manager which restart downloading
after broken connection without verifying file or correcting it.

Just have to say good luck for downloading file again !!!!!
You guys are not going to believe this. I finally got Vista to install,
heres what happened and how I did it:

1. I pasted the download link into FIREFOX of all things. that is the only
way I could get a good download.

2. Burned the ISO to DVD using Roxio DVD builder @ 2X speed.

3. Copied all the install files to the hard drive in a folder labeled "Vista
Install" and ran the installation from there. It took 2 1/2 HOURS to install.

When Vista started for the first time, all I got was a black screen, working
mouse, and the build number noted in the lower right corner. NO graphics at
all and nothing works. I had to roll back the installation and am now back
to XP.

Talk about disapointment! Any thoughts? My machine is a 1.4 Gig celeron
with a GIG of RAM
I have downloaded the ISO file again (whit another Download manager) and this
time it appears to work (30% in Expanding files as i write)

so if the installation goes wrong try to redownload the ISO file with
another Download manager
How long did you wait??

my computer had a blac screen and the build number for 5-10 min before it
restartet and booted Windows Vista so try reinstalling and wait to see what
happends if you just wait (ok after 30-40 min you shuld do somthing but ;))
Thanks for the info and help. I would appear that the problem is definitely
in the downloading of the file. I see many people who have had to redownload
the file. I guess because it is so big that it can cause a problem. I seem to
recall that at one point, using Dap, that the thing slowed down and then sped
up again. There is probably where the problem lies. I don't think it makes a
difference what download manager you use, as I have seen many different ones
being used. I think it is just getting the thing to download correctly.
Perhaps my splitting it into four parts is not the answer here as it took DAP
a long time to put it all together. Right there is where the thing probably
messed up. Too bad Microsoft couldn't have split the file up into parts and
used RAR to do it with. I think that would make it much easier for everyone
and not give us so many problems.......oh well. I suppose that we are lucky
they are allowing us to do this anyway so I shouldn't be complaining. Anyway
thanks all for your help. I will redownload the file I guess. Another five or
six hours lost........hmmm!
ok here's one for you, after I got the error message it fried my system, now
I have a puter with a 3gig processor, total of 1.4 terebites of useless hdd
space, 4 gigs of ram, and nothing will work, have reformatted all my Hdd's at
least 5 times now, even went out and bought a new 300 gig HDD and can't even
get it to do anything, all I get is ntldr is compressed. Unless I run the
vista install again, at which point I get the 300070241 error mesage again.
going to load linux back up on my system now, cause looks like MICROsoft is
back to the way it was in the early days, releasing crap and asking for your
feedback. All I can say is thank god I still had my laptop with win 95 still
working on it.
OK, here tis what I did. All of the above, but after about 10 or 12 minutes
it did its tridk and finished up. I now have a working Vista, and Office
2007. All I can say is let it sit long enough and it will finally take off.
Barney, I have read where SATA can be a problem. Try installing on an IDE
drive for simplicity sake. That may be the key for now till they get the
bugs worked out. Let us know.