Vista Backup



Vista Home Premium backup software. My backup harddrive is filling up. Whai
should I do?


When I first started using vista it was the same for me too... suddenly my
drive just started to fill up while I installed or uninstalled nothing...
This is probably (I don't know whether this is the case with you or not)
because of the storage that windows system restore takes up...

What you should do is:
1. run command prompt in administrator mode:
a. right click on cmd and click run as administrator

2. on the command prompt type: vssadmin list shadowstorage
-The used shadow copy storage space: is the space which is currently being
used by vista for system recovery.
-The allocated shadow copy storage space: is the space that has been
allocated on your hard disk (all of this probably might not be in use at the
-The maximum shadow copy storage space: is the max. space that vista can
take up from your hard drive

Now I know you can change these settings, but I don't know the commands to
do so... just google the word: shadowstorage and you should get some results
to adjust the space for the system recovery in vista...

John Hanley

I have an external USB drive for backup. The backed up files & folders
are in (for me) K:\ComputerName\Backup Set date\Backup Files date\Backup
files No.\etc. There will be a series of these folders. Periodically
(once a month or so) I go in and manually delete the oldest Backup Set(s) to
maintain ample freeboard on the drive. It has not been a problem.

Chad Harris

Hi farbuncle--

From the responses from others, are you talking about the amount of space
VSS takes up for System restor and restore points?


Adjusting the amount of disk space System Restore uses to hold restore

Why do restore points in Windows Vista use so much disk space

Identifying how much disk space is used for restore points in Windows Vista

From Jill Zoeller [MSFT]:

"It’s easy enough to decrease the shadow copy storage area, but doing could
potentially delete older shadow copies. If you need the free space more than
you need a long history of shadow copies, you can decrease the storage area

Let’s say I decide to decrease the storage space on my D volume to 10 GB. I
would use the vssadmin resize shadowstorage command as follows:

V:\Windows\system32>vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=D: /For=D:

vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool"

In case it's backup you're interested here's a very good article by
Christina Fok [MSFT], a Program Manager in the Storage Solution Division
of Microsoft that deals with System Restore and Backups:

A Guide to Windows Vista Backup Technologies

Good luck,


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