Vista 64: Please help me get rid of mobsync.exe and wmplayer.exe always running in the background



I looked around for some time, but i did not get any usable answer.

I am running Vista Ultima 64 and i ask fior advice applying to Vista and NOT

The Problem:

using process explorer and tasskmanager i constantly see mobsync.exe running
as well as wmplayer, invisible in the background.
It looks like they index something.

I found out that this must have something to do with either offline files,
sync center or mediaplayer sharing, maybe also related to the USB sticks i
have in my PC.

But no matter what tips and tricks i apply, no matter what i set, what
service i disable...i cannot get rid of those constantly starting. I dont
what triggers them!

I want that mobsync.exe as well as wmplayer NEVER appear in the list of
running tasks anymore, no "indexing" of my drives, nothing.

Thank you!


Vista U 64

Jack \(MVP-Networking\).

Processes like this can be invoked directly, or can be a result of running
applications that you do need and use these processes.
If you do not want Indexing then disable the Indexing.
Otherwise you can use these two free applications (Startup & Process
Explorer) to snoop around and disable in need applications and startups.
Jack (MVP-Networking).

Michael Bednarek,
I looked around for some time, but i did not get any usable answer.

I am running Vista Ultima 64 and i ask fior advice applying to Vista and NOT

The Problem:

using process explorer and tasskmanager i constantly see mobsync.exe running
as well as wmplayer, invisible in the background.

I don't know about your problem with wmplayer (it's not constantly
running here (Windows 6, aka Vista [Business]), but maybe that's because
I've never run wmplayer), but I managed to extinguish mobsync by
stopping the service "Offline Files" (CscService) and setting its
"Startup type" to Manual.


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