Visibile property


m stroup

chkstatus (Check box)
txtLabel1 (text box)

If chkstatus then
me.txtlabel1.visible = false
End If

I am trying to add this code, but in vba, I do not get the option to add
..visible to the control. When I type this code in by hand, it states "you
have entered an expression that has no value".

I have tried Reports!rpt_Events!chkstatus as well.

Any suggestions? thanks in advance.

Duane Hookom

I would doublecheck the spelling of your text box name. Are both the
chkStatus and txtLabel1 in the detail section?

If you copied your code, I would expect Me. to be capitalized.

You should also have code to set the txtLabel1 visible if there is more than
one record in the report. I would actually use code like:

Me.txtLabel1.Visible = (Me.chkStatus = False)

m stroup

Thanks Duane,
That worked. I don't understand why the help isn't working. i.e. I type
in me.txtLabel1. and I should get visible as an option. I do not. So I
thought that was the issue. The real issue was a mispelling.

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