Virtual Directory



I want to determine proramatically from my webform what the virtual
directory path is for my application.

The reason for this is that I want to use some javascript code which needs
to access a file in a subdirectory. This is fine but my component will one
forms which some are in a subdirectory and some will be in the root
directory. This is important when assembling the string needed for the
Window.Open used by javascript link in the page.

So to sum up. I need to know the url for the root of my application.


Navin Mishra

How to do the same for a webservice, inside an .asmx file, to get the
virtual directory path ?

Thanks in advance


Edwin Knoppert

I'm busy with that as well, it's very annoying resolveurl is that 'hidden'
So far i couldn't find it however, i already wrote a solution.
Please test again, it was a while i used this.

' Returns url based on virtual root, recommended to use for links etc..
' In case of asp:hyperlink or similar objects you better use ~/ instead
'<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
' This call is ideal for html controls like:
'<a id="A2" href="<%=p.URL_GetRoot("NewFolder1/WebPage.aspx") %>">HTML
Function URL_GetRoot(Optional ByVal sSubFolderFileToAdd As String = "") As
Dim Page As System.Web.UI.Page =
CType(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler, System.Web.UI.Page)
sSubFolderFileToAdd = Trim(sSubFolderFileToAdd)
If Left(sSubFolderFileToAdd, 1) = "~" Then sSubFolderFileToAdd =
Mid$(sSubFolderFileToAdd, 2)
If Left(sSubFolderFileToAdd, 1) = "/" Then sSubFolderFileToAdd =
Mid$(sSubFolderFileToAdd, 2)
Return Page.ResolveUrl("~/" & sSubFolderFileToAdd)
End Function

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