Viewing Multiple Sheets from Same Workbook



Recently I learned how to view multipel sheets from teh same workbook. But
now every time I open that workbook the multiple sheets still open. How do I
close the multiple sheets?

Bob Umlas

close by the x in the topr right corner. When you close the last one it'll
prompt for saving.
Bob Umlas
Excel MVP



Actually my question is that how can i see multiple sheets in the same
workbook can you please explane for me how is it i am using Excel 2003



From the menu bar, click:
<Window> <New Window>

Now look at the name of your WB in the title bar.
You'll see that the name has a suffix of ":2",

Now, click:
<Window> <Arrange>,
And choose which configuration you would like to view your sheets.

After you <OK>, you'll see 2 copies of whichever sheet was active at the
time you activated the feature.

Now, simply click on either one and change sheet number or change views.

You can repeat the <Window> <New Window> to open additional views as you

When you're done, you can,
<Ctrl> <W>
to close the extra copy.
If you opened multiple copies, click
<Ctrl> <W>
as many times as necessary, until there are *no more* copy numbers appended
to the WB name in the title bar.

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