viewing images on some websites



Hi, I'm using Windows XP on a broadband connection & I run Norton's Antivirus
& Internet Security. My problem is that on some webpages to be precise, I can't view any of the images.
I know they should be there, as some of the 'other users' that you can set up
on XP, can see the pictues ok, but on mine & a couple of the others, the
pictues don't show at all....... not even the 'torn image' which appears when
for some reason a picture is not working. The pictues area, is just blank. In
internet options, advanced tab & under Multi-media, all the selection boxes
are ticked. Thats where my knowledge of what might be wrong stops. Please
help me.

Alan Smith

Rel said:
Hi, I'm using Windows XP on a broadband connection & I run Norton's
& Internet Security. My problem is that on some webpages to be precise, I can't view any of the
I know they should be there, as some of the 'other users' that you can set
on XP, can see the pictues ok, but on mine & a couple of the others, the
pictues don't show at all....... not even the 'torn image' which appears
for some reason a picture is not working. The pictues area, is just blank.
internet options, advanced tab & under Multi-media, all the selection
are ticked. Thats where my knowledge of what might be wrong stops. Please
help me.

Perhaps saying which program you are using would be useful?

If IE Tools, Internet Options, Security settings. Try reducing security


I'm sorry, I knew I would miss something. I'm using IE, and the security
settings are now at their lowest. Still no images.

David Candy

This is what is written at the bottom of the page on the link you gave

Having trouble viewing photos on this website? Please disable your "Norton Internet Security" Ad Blocking. This software prevents adverts being shown correctly. Alternatively, make a Norton permitted URL. Instructions Here.


Thankyou, I can't see that written anywhere on the pages I have been viewing.
I certainly have been looking. Sounds like it might help though, so thankyou
so much! I'll try that now :)

David Candy

I clicked the link in the first post you made and it was at the bottom of that page just under pictures of horseys.

It's the weirdest adult meeting site I've seen. The chicks are really ugly.


Thanks David, that worked, I knew it would have to be something simple, but
in my blind frustration, sometimes, you just miss the silliest little thing.
Thanks again! :)

David Candy

Good. I was reverse engineering the page and happened to see it there. I should have read it first. But those ugly girls caught my eye. They are worse than (I was looking for Maria Korp - the woman in the boot in melbourne)

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