View .jpg in Forms


Warren King

We have a database that was created in Access 2000 with a form that displays
employee information including a picture. Everything worked fine until we
updated client computers to Access 2003. Now the form will display pictures
that already existed in the database but will not allow us to edit the
picture by double clicking it. We get an error that says the OLE object is
not registered. The table view that holds the picture field shows all the
jpeg pictures to be MSPhotoEd.3 and that object does not show in the list
that comes up to register from. When adding a new employee with Access
2003, the picture field now shows it is a "package", but does not display in
the form!

So I have 2 problems, 1) we can not edit existing photos and 2) we can not
display new photos.

Any suggestions as to what I can do to fix these problems?



Access 2003 does not include the typical OLE Server application for JPEG (MS Photo Editor), and if you
install Office 2003 as an upgrade it will remove Photo Editor if present. You can re-install Photo Editor
from your Office XP disks to get the app working again.

You should note that there are several other potentially serious problems with this approach to storing
images, most notably that the images are stored uncompressed and therefore occupy anything up to 50 or
100 *times* the original file size (with a corresponding performance overhead).

Warren King

Thanks for the reply. I guess my next question is how do you get a photo to
display in an Access form and Access report? All we can see is the image


As mentioned, you can install Photo Editor from the Office XP disks to get things working again. If you
want to really solve the issue (to avoid the OLE bloat, this type of app dependency/config issue, and other
problems) then there are essentially 2 choices: work with images stored externally (in the file-system)
or work with images stored as blobs (i.e. the ‘normal’ way, without OLE).

Imaging without OLE in Access can use the built-in Access image control. This is not without it’s own
drawbacks, however. It relies on the relevant Office Graphics Filters being installed, and needs registry
tweaks on each machine to avoid a crash problem and to suppress the annoying ‘Loading Image’ dialog that
pops-up for each record. It is also limited in the maximum image size it can handle, and will often fail
with today’s typical digital camera images. Finally, performance can be an issue, since images are decoded
synchronously as you scroll through records, and this is exacerbated in a code-based blob solution using
the ‘read-from-table -> write-to-file -> read-from-file’ approach.

Larry’s’ samples (see address below) illustrate the OLE, external files and blob (code-based) approaches:

Stephen Lebans site has a range of imaging solutions:

…or there are commercial solutions that avoid OLE and the Access Image control altogether.

DBPix 2.0: Add pictures to Access, Easily & Efficiently

Warren King

Thanks for your advise. I took the first suggestion of installing the Photo
Editor from the Office XP disks and that is going to do the job for us at
this time. We are just using this particular database to create employee ID
cards so once we can keep the database relatively small by deleting records
as employees leave the company. We hope to be getting an ID making machine
in the near future that will eliminate the problem all together for us.


Download a copy of Office XP from Bittorrent and then install JUST Photo
Editor. Don't install the rest. It will register Photo Editor for OLE in
Access and then it should work. A shame MS is encouraging you to use their
OLDER products since they BROKE the functionality in their newer office apps.
The amazing thing is that MS still hasn't addressed this in Office 2007!!!

Make sure to go to
and notify MS of their PROBLEM/ERROR/BUG/FLAW/ISSUE/GAP/MISTAKE - Not sure
how to phrase it enough times so that MS understands that this is an issue
that hasn't been addressed in 2007 yet. OH YES, I KNOW it is a BETA - fact
is MS really only cares about the ribbon - they will not be adding
functionality or anything worth while in 2007 to address the many flaws or
gaps in the previous versions.


stop looer
stop looser

Boe said:
Download a copy of Office XP from Bittorrent and then install JUST Photo
Editor. Don't install the rest. It will register Photo Editor for OLE in
Access and then it should work. A shame MS is encouraging you to use
OLDER products since they BROKE the functionality in their newer office
The amazing thing is that MS still hasn't addressed this in Office

Make sure to go to
and notify MS of their PROBLEM/ERROR/BUG/FLAW/ISSUE/GAP/MISTAKE - Not sure
how to phrase it enough times so that MS understands that this is an issue
that hasn't been addressed in 2007 yet. OH YES, I KNOW it is a BETA -
is MS really only cares about the ribbon - they will not be adding
functionality or anything worth while in 2007 to address the many flaws or
gaps in the previous versions.

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