View DICOM (medical) images



Hi all,
Does anyone know how to view DICOM images (.dcm) in a picturebox/imagebox in dicom are medical images which cannot be altered, but you should
still be able to view them, maybe by setting a reference to it...
does anyone have any ideas???

Scott Allen


You'll need a client side ActiveX control or plugin for the browser to
view a dcm. Google for 'dicom image view internet explorer' and you'll
find a few.


Thanks Scott, but how exactly would i find an ActiveX control to view the
images, is that just a referrence to something, or even that browser plugin
option, would that be something that every client's machine would need..
please explain more if you could, i'm new here ..
thanks for everything!

Scott Allen

Hi Adam:

Yes, this would be client side software, sort of like a plugin. Most
ActiveX controls can install over the over the web. Generally, all you
need to do to use them is use a special html tag: <object>.

It also look there are utilities to convert DICOM to formats most
browsers understand, like JPG images. Perhaps this is an option if you
don't want to rquire clients to download something.

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