View Details



This feels like a dumb question, but I can't figure it out. Somehow, in only
one of my databases, (well really 2, because it's the design master and the
replica), I can't view objects in Details view in the database window. The
sorting column headings are missing and I don't know how to get them back. I
can see everything just fine in the List and Icon views, but when I switch to
Details, it's like everything disappears. Is my DB corrupted, or am I missing
something really obvious?????

John Spencer

I was able to duplicate this behavior by clicking on the border between
headers and dragging them all the way to the left. After I did that to
all the columns, I had a completely blank Details view.

I then clicked on the extreme left edge of the detail view window, got
the two-headed arrow cursor and started dragging to the right. I had to
repeat this to show all the columns.

I'm guessing there is a setting some where to unhide the hidden columns,
but I could not find it.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Wow. I really must not have had enough coffee today. Thanks. I had tried
draging it over before, but I guess the cursor wasn't placed just right.

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