view comments without print

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hi all,
is there any way to print the documents without comment balloons automaticly.
i mean without select to not show comments or final document
instead of final showing markup
but in the same time i want the balloons to be visible while i'm working in
that document.
thanks for any help.
Hi =?Utf-8?B?RmFkaQ==?=,
is there any way to print the documents without comment balloons automaticly.
i mean without select to not show comments or final document
instead of final showing markup
but in the same time i want the balloons to be visible while i'm working in
that document.
This would require a macro that would take care of changing the setting for
you. For example, you could assign a macro like the following to a toolbar
button and place that in your toolbar next to the normal "Print" button (or
substitute for it):

Sub PrintNoComments()
ActiveDocument.PrintOut Background:=false, Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent
End Sub

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :-)
Hi Cindy,

i thought that i'll got no answer to my question

but thank you for being here

your idea is brilliant, and i'll use it on my MS word

but the problem that i am working in LAN and we work in the same documents

and my colleagues familiar with the usual print button and I can't create
the macro in all the computers

for that i asked about a simple way to learn them to use, because i am sure
it will be many mistakes especially at the beginning.

Hope I'll hear from you soon

thanks in advance for your support and sorry for bothering
