Video not playing.



If I go to CBS dot com and click on a video under survivor or amazing race,
nothing happens. The java script thing at the bottom always end in a no. If
I click on the left of the screen for cbs news clips, they come on and play.
But it is the other videos from the shows that nothing happens. Anyone know
how to fix this problem? I'd really appreciate a solid answer! Thanks.


Hi Mark,
Thanks but that did not work for me. Here is the type of script I am
getting when I try to click on a video on the CBS page. I'll post it below.


When I click on the video to play I hear a click sound but nothing happens.


Hi Mark, this did not help I'm sorry to say! Thanks for the info. Here is
the type of error I'm getting when I click on a video to play.


Mark L. Ferguson

Go to Start/Run and type
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
then regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
SFC /SCANNOW (you may need to press 'r' for retry many times)
Restart IE then
regsvr32 Shell32.dll

buddiejoey said:
Hi Mark,
Thanks but that did not work for me. Here is the type of script I am
getting when I try to click on a video on the CBS page. I'll post it


When I click on the video to play I hear a click sound but nothing


Mark, you've been very patient and kind about this problem. I tried the
below you suggested but I still have the problem. Anything else you can
suggest now? Windows XP is a tricky thing I'm beginning to believe! Again
thanks and most appreciative.....Joe

Mark L. Ferguson

In that case, I think you can assume it is a site 'page error' of some kind.
They may fix it soon.


Mark, I'm curious there. That sounds logical to me but it's been that way
for me for sometime on that particular site. Have you tried it on your
computer running any of those videos from that site... on
that main page or one of its subpages such as survivor or the amazing race?
Would that type of error affect everyone who tried to play one of those
videos or just some like me? Because certainly as long as it has affected me
and others, the site would know by now it was not working as people would be
complaining! Complaining to who though I would not know...grin! If you
tried it and it worked for you then wouldn't it mean I'm messed up somehow?
Thanks for your help, Mark!



Mark, I've resolved the issue. I feel dumb about it now that I've fixed the
problem! But I want you to know I do appreciate all the things you had me do
in trying to get the videos to work. I'm sure those things helped in many
ways I'm not aware of.
The problem lied within Norton Internet Security I run on my computer. I
had to turn off the popup control. It seems the CBS website uses popups to
present its video feature and Norton was blocking them. Now, that I've turned
off the popup control feature of Norton the site works like one would hope
and expect it to. Internet Explorer has a popup control and I've left that
alone. MSN has one as well and I've left that alone. Aol has one too and
I've left that alone. Only one I turned off is the one in Norton Internet
Security. I'm posting this to at least let you know I appreciated your help
and to let others know that popups can prevent playing videos as well.


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