Video card failure?



Hello everyone! I am having major issues with my video card. I have been
getting everything from blue screens to error messages in windows all
relating to the infamous "nv4_disp.dll" display driver file. The video has
even cut off completely, while a song I was playing continues to play without
interruption! I have updated to the latest drivers and rolled back the
drivers from the Nvidia website, flashed my BIOS, installed the latest
drivers for my chipset, and I am now considering replacing the video card.
The problem, however, seems to be isolated to World of Warcraft, about 10 to
15 minutes into play (I have already followed Blizzard's troubleshooting
steps, no luck). Any suggestions?

Many thanks,
Josh M.

V Green

Check the fan on the card.

Also might wanna get a new/bigger PSU.
Most are very low quality these days.


I don't think it's the PSU, I got the computer from Dell. However, I got my
finger about half an inch from the edge of the fan on the card (as close as
I'm willing to get) while the computer was on, and felt no breeze. I'll give
cleaning it out a try.

Josh M.

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