Video adapter problem


Menno Hershberger

My video adapter is NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model64/Model 64 Pro.
I dual boot Windows 98 and Windows XP Pro.
I like to switch from 800 X 600 to 1024 X 768 for some web pages.
In XP when I switch to 1024 X 768, my display comes up out of
proportion... narrow and tall. Higher resolutions are also out of
proportion. There doesn't seem to be any adjustment in advanced settings
for the display adapter that effect it. I can change Hz on my monitor but
anything other than 70 Hz just makes it worse.
In Windows 98 I have no problem whatsoever... I can pick *any* screen
resolution and it displays properly.
There's nothing on the display adapter CD in the way of help.
I've removed the adapter in device manager and reinstalled it. No help.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Menno Hershberger

OK. Just did that (at your suggestion). Unfortunately it didn't cure the
problem. I should mention that I just put in a new motherboard, and of
course it took a little doing to get all the drivers working right. I did
a repair install of XP. Windows 98 was a little less difficult. I did
*something* in the advanced properties this morning that *did* result in
a good 1024 X 768 screen, but then when I tried to change back to 800 X
600, then THAT screen was messed up. So I uninstalled the adapter
altogether and reinstalled it. Now my 800 X 600 is alright, but I'm back
in the same boat.
Thanks for the suggestion anyway!
Any other ideas would be appreciated!

Menno Hershberger

End of thread... :) NVIDIA has a "desktop manager" which I got in to
and finally got it fixed. I notice in the end that the monitor refresh
rate is now 85 Hz in stead of 70.

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