Very slow authentication


Ri charddd

Anyone Please HELP!! It'll be great appreciated.
I have one server running Active Directory, I login using
XP workstations and the authentication process is very
very slow. It'll take 6 minutes to setup profile.
Is there something I can to shorten the login process time?
It's a small network with other services running.
Please help!!

Adam Arndt


More information is needed you said that it takes 6 minutes to setup the
profile and log the user in. Do these users have roaming user profiles? If
so how large are they? Is it actually the authentication that is taking a
long time (if so I would like to know how you have determined this); Is it
the loading of the user profiles that is taking along time?

Adam Arndt


The users do not have a roaming profile and I think your
right it's loading up the users profile that is taking
long. It's in the part where it reads, "Applying computer
I was assuming it's the authentication because that's the
process that occurs in that moment, right after you enter
your password and hit enter.
I may be mistaken.



any idea Adam...??
NO roaming, it's right after they hit enter then the
window pops up saying Loading profile or to that effect.
Thanks for any info you can provide..

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