VERY New to Outlook Express with Vistal



I just purchased a brand new computer with Vista Home Premium.

I created my e-mail account just as did Outlook Express with XP.
However, I am NOT able to locate any of my e-mails and account.

Now, I am truly confusing as 'how to access my e-mail account'
and everything as to Vista e-mails.

On Outlook Express with XP, I had no problem opening my
e-mails and all others regarding O.E. How should I learn and
master O.E. with Vista?

Thanks for any helps and suggestions on Vista e-mail program.


MapleE. said:
I just purchased a brand new computer with Vista Home Premium.

I created my e-mail account just as did Outlook Express with XP.
However, I am NOT able to locate any of my e-mails and account.

Now, I am truly confusing as 'how to access my e-mail account'
and everything as to Vista e-mails.

On Outlook Express with XP, I had no problem opening my
e-mails and all others regarding O.E. How should I learn and
master O.E. with Vista?

Thanks for any helps and suggestions on Vista e-mail program.
Outlook Express won't run under Vista. You need to use Windows
Mail, its replacement, instead. One way to start it is to click on
the Windows orb at the lower left of the screen, then Run..., then
erase whatever in in the box and type WinMail there instead, then
click OK.

Here's some instructions on moving Outlook Express mail to
Windows Mail:



Thanks for the response.

One other question is regarding creating second and third e-mail

Again, on O.E. with XP, it was SO easy to create anything I wanted.
However, here, Vista, ... I've encountering so many unresolved issues.

A question is:
How to create second and third, even four people in the household?

Thanks again for the help/response.


The usual way to do it is to give each user a separate user
account, and set up a Windows Mail account under each one.
That can cause problems, though, if they don't have separate
accounts on the server.

Another way to do it is to let them share one user account,
and just keep adding email accounts under Windows Mail.
If you do this, though, it takes extra effort to set it up so that
all the incoming mail won't go to the same Inbox.


It seems we have all had this problem. I have just called my ISP and he had
this all sorted in a jiffy. My advanced setting had to been changed. Try it
call your ISP saves a lot of headache. Good luck

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