Very basic VBA questions.



How do you get a VBA code to reference the value of a cell in a worksheet and
use it in an equation? An example of what I'm trying to do is; If you click
on "Spring" I want B27=L175. If you click on "Spring w/Liftable" the
equation would then be B27=L175-K195.

Also, Is there a way to have a text box in a user form to read a cell? So
basically I would like the text box to have the same value as what is in K196.

Thanks for any help on this in advance.

Jim Thomlinson

Not too sure what you mena by click on spring but generally speaking your
code will look something like this...

Sheets("sheet1").range("B27").formula = "=L175"
Sheets("sheet1").range("B27").formula = "=L175-k195"

As for the text box a user form will have an initalize event so something
like this...

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox1.Text = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("K196").Value
End Sub


Sorry to bother but on making the Text box read the same as a cell, I put

Private Sub TextAxLeft_Initialize()
TextAxLeft.Text = Range("K198").Value
End Sub

in and the text box is blank. I assumed that since the sheet is active, I
could leave off the sheet reference. Was I wrong in assuming that or did I
do something else wrong? Thanks again.

P.S. Thanks again for the info on using the cells in a formula.

Jim Thomlinson

My assumption in answering your question is that you have added a userform to
your spreadsheet. By that I mean you went into the VBE and inserted a
userform. You then added a text box to that userform. Let me know if that
assumption is incorrect.

Assuming it is correct then a userform has a number of events that it
tracks. Just above the code window on the left is a drop down of all of the
objects associate with the parent object you are in (the userform in this
case). Select userform from that drop down. That will add an on click event
procedure to your project. On the right is a drop down of all of the events.
Select initialize. That adds a inititialize event procedure to your project.
You can not change the names of these procedures. That is where you have run
into a problem. You changed
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Private Sub TextAxLeft_Initialize()

which will not work.


It worked, Thanks Jim.

Jim Thomlinson said:
My assumption in answering your question is that you have added a userform to
your spreadsheet. By that I mean you went into the VBE and inserted a
userform. You then added a text box to that userform. Let me know if that
assumption is incorrect.

Assuming it is correct then a userform has a number of events that it
tracks. Just above the code window on the left is a drop down of all of the
objects associate with the parent object you are in (the userform in this
case). Select userform from that drop down. That will add an on click event
procedure to your project. On the right is a drop down of all of the events.
Select initialize. That adds a inititialize event procedure to your project.
You can not change the names of these procedures. That is where you have run
into a problem. You changed
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Private Sub TextAxLeft_Initialize()

which will not work.

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