vbScript eval() function equivalent in VB.Net - Dynamically evaluate code




I'd like to be able to evaluate some code dynamically in VB.Net. What
I'd like to achieve especially is this:

dim myForm as Form = new myDLLName.Form1

What I want really is the possibility to do this:

dim x as string = "2"
eval ("dim myForm as Form = new myDLLName.Form"+x)

I was used to be able to do that in vbScript and found it was very
practical and now I would like to be able to do it in VB.Net if

Any ideas or workaround?



Hey thanks buddy!!! That's awesome!!! I don't speak german but thanks
to google translate I was able to figure it out. Here are my findings:

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim currentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
'Provide the current application domain evidence for the
Dim asEvidence As Evidence = currentDomain.Evidence 'If we
don't do this, it won't be able to find the assembly of our custom .dll
'Load the assembly from the application directory using a
simple name.
'Create the assembly
currentDomain.Load("CustomDLL", asEvidence)
'Get the form
Dim daForm As Form = DirectCast(CreateObject("CustomDLL",
"CustomDLL.Form1"), System.Windows.Forms.Form)
End Sub
Private Function CreateObject(ByVal AssemblyName As String, ByVal
TypeName As String) As Object
'Make an array for the list of assemblies.
Dim assems As [Assembly]() =
'Search for the assembly and return the object specified
For Each asm As System.Reflection.Assembly In assems
If asm.FullName.StartsWith(AssemblyName & ",") Then
Return asm.CreateInstance(TypeName)
End If
Next asm
End Function


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