VBA to identify the name of a point



When I highlight a point on a graph with my mouse, Excel identifies that
point with a pop up dialog box as Series "name" Point "as x axis name"
Value: ###

Basically, when I get to the point in a series with the "name" of a
particlar position on my x axis, I want to do something. But I have not
figured out how in VBA to know that I have arrived on point "Dec-08" of a
particluar series while looping through all the points in that series. I
need something like 'if pt.name = "Dec-08" then...', but I can't find any


Hi Aaron,

You do it by identifying the value in the source data range. Loop through
the source using for i = 1 to number of cells in the source data for the

..SeriesCollection(1).Points(i) is then equivalent to the cell(i) and you can
test the value of cell(i)

Hope this points you in the right direction but feel free to get back to me.

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