VBA to "answer" spesific msg box



I am wondering if it is possible to write an macro that answers "no
when a spesific alert is shown in Excel 2003. The alert is the aler
where excel asks you if you want to save the excel document becaus
"excel recalculates formulas when opening files last saved by a
earlier version of Excel".

I like to keep track of the dates when documents ar stored, and I a
therefor not interested in saving them just because excel 2003 wants m
to. The file structure are the same in excel 2003 and Excel XP(which wa
my earlier version)

I am also not interested in turning all alerts off with the vba
Application.DisplayAlerts = False because some alerts are ok to see.

Is there a solution for this?? :confused: Please help :

Dave Peterson

I don't think you can be that specific.

But you're going to get that warning when you close the workbook.

So maybe:

workbooks("yourworkbookname.xls").close savechanges:=false

would be sufficient.


But you're doing this manually, aren't you.

Maybe you could just bite the bullet once and save it as the newer version and
be done with it.

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