VBA scripts disappear from Normal.dot


Jo Gjessing

Hi all,

I've created a collection of template files for Word including a Normal.dot
file with a few short VBA scripts. I use robocopy.exe to copy the template
files to all my users' xp computers. When the files are copied, however, all
the scripts have disappeared from the Normal.dot file at my users' computers
- and sometimes from the file they were copied from as well. Can you imagine
why and what I have to do? If you have any ideas please let me know.

Thank you very much in advance.


Lene Fredborg

I don’t know robocopy.exe, but normally, macros to be distributed to others
should not be stored in Normal.dot. Normally, you should instead create a
separate template and store the macros in that template. You can then
distribute the template to all relevant users. When stored in Word’s Startup
folder on the individual user’s PC, the template will work as a global
template and the macros will be available to all documents.


Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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