VBA complex numbers




I was just wondering if there is a data type called
complex (i.e. for operations with complex numbers) in any
version of VBA for Excel.

I am aware that you can use Excel functions for this, but
I was wondering if VBA can deal with it also.

because if i use the Excel functions in VBA. i have to do

Range("something").formula = "IMPRODUCT(whatever)"

and have to read that again back into VBA

somevariable = Range("something")
(if anyone can think of a more efficient way, that would
also do)

Tom Ogilvy

Actually you don't have to do that

sStr = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLA!IMPRODUCT","3+4i","5-3i")

so to demonstrate from the immediate window:

sStr = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLA!IMPRODUCT","3+4i","5-3i")
? sStr

This assume the Analysis Toolpak - VBA has been selected in Tools=>Addins.

If you create a reference to ATPVBAEN.XLA you can call it like a built in
VBA function

sStr = IMPRODUCT("3+4i","5-3i")

but to the best of my knowledge, VBA itself does not support complex

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