VBA Code to change a Lable on Report



Access 2003

The following code works fine to access the report Caption and Record Source.

Dim myReportName As String
myReportName = "October 2003"
DoCmd.CopyObject "", myReportName, acReport, "myUpdateReport"
DoCmd.OpenReport myReportName, acViewDesign
With Reports(myReportName)
.Caption = "Solon Utilities" & myReportName
.RecordSource = "qry" & myReportName
End With
DoCmd.Save , myReportName
DoCmd.Close acReport, myReportName

What Object, Method, Property is appropriate to change the contents of Label24 in MyReportName
from "XYZ" to "ABC"?

TIA Dennis

Allen Browne

Me.Label24.Caption = "ABC"
but there may be a timing issue here. You need to set the Caption of the
label before its section is printed.



Thank you!

I was able to get Label24.Caption = "XYZ" to work.
in the following Code:

(..... Dim & "set" my ReportName)

With Reports(myReportName)
.Caption = "Utilities" & myReportName
.RecordSource = myReportName
.Label24.Caption = "Utilities " & myReportName
End With

That said, I am extremely interested in the use of "Me." I have seen it referenced quite often.

What is its significance?

Where would it be used and Why?



Allen Browne

"Me" is a reference to the instance of the form/report/class module that you
are using.

If your code is in the module of the report, you can use:
With Me
instead of:
With Reports(myReportName)

If your code is in a standard module, stay with the syntax you have.

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