VB6 to VB.Net - Using X1,X2,Y1,Y2 in .Net



I'm hoping someone can lend a hand. I've now been turned down four
times on Rentacoder because of various reasons... too difficult, wants
more $, needs complete rewrite, and coder never got bit acceptance.

The snippet below is a working example of a VB6 program. How would one

do the below in VB.Net?

Thanks for any help.

Option Explicit

Private nPicMidX     As Single
Private nPicMidY     As Single
Private nPicWidth    As Single
Private nPicHeight   As Single
Private clickX       As Single
Private clickY       As Single

Private Sub Form_Load()

With picImage(0)
nPicMidX = .Width / 2
nPicMidY = .Height / 2
nPicWidth = .Width
nPicHeight = .Height
End With 'picImage(0)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _
Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, _
Y As Single)

Dim SelectedImg As Integer

FindImage X, Y

moveImage SelectedImg, 0, 0

End Sub

Private Sub moveImage(ImageIndex As Integer, _
ByVal DX As Single, _
ByVal DY As Single)

Dim newTop  As Single
Dim newLeft As Single

With picImage(ImageIndex)
newTop = .Top + DY
newLeft = .Left + DX
.Top = newTop
.Left = newLeft
End With 'picImage(ImageIndex)
moveImageLinks ImageIndex, newLeft + nPicMidX, newTop + nPicMidY

End Sub

Private Sub moveImageLinks(ByVal ImageIndex As Integer, _
ByVal newx As Single, _
ByVal newy As Single)

If ImageIndex = 0 Then
lineLink(0).X1 = newx
lineLink(0).Y1 = newy
lineLink(0).X2 = newx
lineLink(0).Y2 = newy
End If

End Sub

Private Sub picImage_MouseDown(Index As Integer, _
Button As Integer, _
Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, _
Y As Single)

clickX = X
clickY = Y

End Sub

Private Sub picImage_MouseMove(Index As Integer, _
Button As Integer, _
Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, _
Y As Single)

If Button = 1 Then
moveImage Index, X - clickX, Y - clickY
End If

End Sub

Private Function FindImage(ByVal X As Single, _
ByVal Y As Single) As Integer

Dim myImg As Variant

For Each myImg In picImage
If myImg.Left < X Then
If ((myImg.Left + myImg.Width) > X) Then
If myImg.Top < Y Then
If ((myImg.Top + myImg.Height) > Y) Then
FindImage = myImg.Index
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next myImg
FindImage = 0

End Function

Armin Zingler

Y2K said:
I'm hoping someone can lend a hand. I've now been turned down four
times on Rentacoder because of various reasons... too difficult,
wants more $, needs complete rewrite, and coder never got bit

The snippet below is a working example of a VB6 program. How would

do the below in VB.Net?

Have the wizard migrate it to a VB.Net project.

See also:

in particular:




I tried the built-in conversion, but it changes my line to a label.
I'll revisit that with 2005 (I used .Net 2003 previously). I'll also
check the MSDN link. Thanks.

Ken Halter

Y2K said:
I tried the built-in conversion, but it changes my line to a label.
I'll revisit that with 2005 (I used .Net 2003 previously). I'll also
check the MSDN link. Thanks.

Don't you wish the converter would >not< convert lines to labels? Geez. What
a pain. If I wanted a label, I would've used one, eh? <g> The code to
duplicate the functionality of a line control is what.... 5 or 6 lines?
Probably fewer than the converter uses to convert a line control to a label
in the first place. I can't imagine it taking a "team" of developers to say
"just convert them all to labels. they should be happy with that".

gene kelley

Don't you wish the converter would >not< convert lines to labels? Geez. What
a pain. If I wanted a label, I would've used one, eh? <g> The code to
duplicate the functionality of a line control is what.... 5 or 6 lines?
Probably fewer than the converter uses to convert a line control to a label
in the first place. I can't imagine it taking a "team" of developers to say
"just convert them all to labels. they should be happy with that".

Kind of how VB6 handles the situation when it can't find a control
that's been moved or deleted - it substitues a PictureBox as I recall.
If I wanted a PictureBox, I would have used one.

Regarding Lines:

Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10,10)
Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 1)

Above produces a 200 pixel x 1 pixel line, starting at 10,10 and whose
color is the the current backcolor of the label. Same can be done for
a vertical line. If you need a diaganal line, then sorry, you'll have
to use the Graphics.DrawLine method. That's the way it is. You can
either go with what's available, or, stick with what you have, or find
another alternative. That's just the way life is sometimes. This
constant, cynical nitpicking serves no constructive purpose IMO.



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