VB.Net ScreenSaver (/p) Question.


Shawn Mehaffie

I am creating a screen saver in VB.Net and am having a problem with showing
the screensaver form in the preview pane. The code works correctly in the
the form does display within the preview window. I created a simple for for
testing called Preview that only had a label on it and the text "This is a
Test" is hardcoded. By doing this I now that it is not other code I have
written that is causing this. The problems I am having are:

1) The Preview form shows up in the preview window, but it goes away after
displaying the form.
2) Although it does show up in the preview window, it does not show any of
the controls on the preview form. A label that says "This is a Test". The
fom shows on the screen, but there is not text on the scree either.

I have the following code for that /p parameter:

Case Is = "/p"

Dim style As Integer
Dim commonVideoSS As New Common
Dim PreviewHandle As Integer = Int32.Parse(CType(args(1), String))
Dim corners As Win32RECT = New Win32RECT

If commonVideoSS.MediaPlayerSetup(frmVideoSS.wmpVideoSS) Then
'Get WindowRec for preview window
corners.GetClientRect(PreviewHandle, corners)

'Reset form to size of preview window
frmPreview.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
frmPreview.Width = corners.Width
frmPreview.Height = corners.Height
frmPreview.wmpVideoSS.fullScreen = False
frmPreview.wmpVideoSS.Width = corners.Width
frmPreview.wmpVideoSS.Height = corners.Height

'Set the style
style = GetWindowLong(frmVideoSS.Handle.ToInt32, GWL_STYLE)
style = style Or WS_CHILD

'Set properties so form displays in preview window
SetWindowLong(frmVideoSS.Handle.ToInt32, GWL_STYLE, style)
SetParent(frmVideoSS.Handle.ToInt32, PreviewHandle)
SetWindowLong(frmVideoSS.Handle.ToInt32, GWL_HWNDPARENT,
SetWindowPos(frmVideoSS.Handle.ToInt32, 0, 0, 0, corners.right,
End If
End Catch


Any help will be appreciated.
S. Shawn Mehaffie

Gabriele G. Ponti

There's an article about writing screen savers in .NET in the May 2004 issue
of Dr. Dobb's Journal. Even if you don't have a subscription you can
register for free and download the source code (it's C# but you should be
able to port it to VB.NET without any problem).


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