VB.NET References



Not sure if this is the correct group, apologies if it isn't.

I am trying to set-up another development machine but have a problem with
references with the project file. On all of our existing development machines
the reference to ADODB have Guid; VersionMajor; VersionMinor; Lcid and
WrapperTool. The machine I am setting up says it can't find ADODB so I
created a new project and it's references are AssemblyName; HintPath and
AssemblyFolderKey. What have I done wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Your problem sounds like an ADO COM object not found ..
Try to install MDAC_TYPE : but there are several version of this package!
If your project refer to ACCESS 97 DB objects you should apply MDAC_TYPE 1.0
JET 4.0 DB objects use latest package like MDAC_TYPE 2.7


It's XP Pro SP2 so I guess that the latest MDAC is installed.

I can remove the reference on the machine that doesn't work and add it
again. There is an adodb in the list of references, the project then compiles
on both machines. It's just a real pain having to change all the projects.

Just so people know, we are using adodb for compatability with some legacy
code that needs to be called until we can get in all in VB.NET.


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