VB.NET Question IMP.....



Option Explicit Off
Module Module1
Sub Main( )
Dim i As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
x = 50
End Sub
End Module

Pls give me the ans? ......

Thank YOu


To get an answer, you may want to ask a question ratther than throwing some
code and let us to guess what the hell is the problem you get with it...

When option explicit is off you don't have to declare all variables so it
compiles fine. Is this your problem ? You are still allowed to declare
explicitely your variables...


Joy said:
Option Explicit Off
Module Module1
Sub Main( )
Dim i As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
x = 50
End Sub
End Module

Pls give me the ans? ......

Thank YOu

You didn't ask, but...

Option Explicit Off is just a BAD idea. Sooner or later you'll heartily
regret this choice while you try to debug all sorts of bizarre issues that
*should* have been caught by the compiler as simple syntax issues.

Your implicit declaration of x (type Object as default) causes your
application to do extra work doing behind the scenes, making it inefficient.
In a trivial bit of code, like your example, it may seem harmless from a
performance standpoint. Do it in a real application and you'll feel the

Post back with your questions.

Michel Posseth [MCP]

Not the answer but the question is driving me crazy :)

what the $%$% would be the question for the answer ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaarghhhhh :)




But then the question becomes "What do you get if you multiply six by nine"?
And that makes no sense with the x=50! :)

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