VB.NET Application Events not firing after install


Clark Baker

After installing my program on Windows XP I run the
program and my Application Events do not fire unless I
manually Click on the Control.

I have a combobox that populates a data grid based on the
Selection. When the app starts it populates the combobox
and the first item in the list is selected. If I select
another item in the combo box the event fires and
populates the grid. I can then change the combobox back to
the first value and the Selected Index Change event fires.

On my development machine the program works fine however
when I install the app on another machine the events will
not fire unless a user selects the item manually.

Clark Baker

Actually non of the events fire after the form is loaded.
Only after a user selects an item in the combobox.

Private Sub cmbReportHeader_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles cmbReportHeader.SelectedIndexChanged
Me.dvCaption.RowFilter = "Dscr <> '" &
Me.cmbReportHeader.Text & "'"

End Sub


Subject: RE: Migration from Framework 1.0 to 1.1
From: "Bogdan Mihalcea [MSFT]"
<[email protected]> Sent: 12/11/2003 9:08:25 AM

Hello Marlene,

VS 2002 is using always .Net Framework 1.0. My suggestion
will be to
rebuild your project in VS 2003. This one is using .Net
Framework 1.1.
You cannot make VS2002 to use .Net framework 1.1.

Bogdan Mihalcea [MSFT]
Visual Studio Update Team

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