VB: inserting text into a cell (excel 03)



the following snippet of code does not work becaus the equal sign
within the quotes creates an error.
If i precede the equal sign with an apostrophe, the apostrophe is
inserted into the cell, causinng the formula to be interpreted as

Sheets("Caseload").Range(sel$).Value = "=Hyperlink(http://
& Range("L3").Value & "," &
Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(Range("b3").Value) & ")"

Is there a more elegant way of pasting a value, and making it a
hyperlink? I don't really need to have a formula in the cell if the
VB script can create the hyperlink.

Pardon my poor terminology (self-taught)


Dave Peterson

It's not the equal sign that's causing the trouble. You're missing the double
quotes that surround the link address.

The formula would look like:


Sheets("Caseload").Range(sel$).Formula = "=Hyperlink(""http://" _
& "www.dc.state.fl.us/InmateReleases/list.asp?DataAction=Filter&dcnumber=" _
& Range("L3").Value & "," _
& Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(Range("b3").Value) & """)"

ps. I changed the .value to .formula since it's a formula.

pps. When you need a double quote in a string, you have to double them up in
your code.


Thanks. That did the trick. Do you know a way to make it a
hyperlinked text rather than a formula?

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