VB coding for showing "find" dialogue box?





brings up the print dialogue box in E2K, can someone pls
tell me what brings up the Find box? I did a search for
this on the net, but nothing came up. I guess I don't
know how to search for general VB coding like this; I
don't even know if there is a resource out there for
hunting down VB code (?).

Thanks so much!

Jim Cone


I can't find it either in the "Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists" in the vba help file. However, the following code does bring it


Jim Cone
San Francisco, CA


may work.. but this is the official way:


From help: (Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists)
xlDialogFormulaFind text, in_num, at_num, by_num, dir_num, match_case,


< email : keepitcool chello nl (with @ and .) >
< homepage: http://members.chello.nl/keepitcool >


may work.. but this is the official way:

It actually didn't work <lol>! Oh, the code brings up the dialogue
box alright, but since one is in a cell, it only will search in that
cell and not the sheet itself. Too funny. I was laughing at work, if
you can believe that. <g>

Thanks, I brought a version of the spreadsheet home to give this a try

From help: (Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists)

I'll have to look for that. As I'm automating more and more
spreadsheets because they won't write up a database at work, I find
that I'm going to need that resource to find code. Thanks, will look
for this help.



I can't find it either in the "Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists" in the vba help file. However, the following code does bring it


<lol> Yes, it brought it up, but then didn't work! Ah well, these
things happen. I will try the coding from the other message in this

The funny behaviour was that although it did bring up the search box,
it searched in the cell one happened to be parked in. I thought that
was very funny for some reason! <g>

Anyhoo, I'll report back either way.



hi there Stargatefan,

I use this coding in my spreadsheets..... it finds every instance o
what im looking for on a sheet without fail.... if the data exists tha
is lol.

I can't take credit for this coding and I can't give credit to th
original coder as I don't know whom that was.

Hope it is of use to you.

you'll just need to copy it to a module

sub findthis()
Dim MyValue, MyFindNext
MyValue = InputBox("Type in what you are Searching for.", "Searc
On Error GoTo err_Trap
Cells.Find(What:=MyValue, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas
LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext
MyFindNext = vbYes
Do Until MyFindNext <> vbYes
MyFindNext = MsgBox("Want to search for " & MyValue & " Again?", _
vbYesNo, "Find Next")
If MyFindNext = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 91 Then
MsgBox "Awwww Sorry couldn't find " & MyValue & " anywhere o
this sheet :blush:( ", , "Totally Unsuccessful search"
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
End Su


<sigh> I hate to say it but the "official way" didn't
work either.

I used the "application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaFind).Show"
code and it also couldn't find anything. It seems that
these 2 sets of coding want to search _within_ whatever
cell one happens to be parked in. When I use the above
macro+button to find something that is found within that
cell, then it works, but neither will find anything found
in the whole worksheet.

Very disconcerting.

I'd still like to do this so if anyone can recommend
coding that works, I'd really greatly appreciate it.

Thanks so much!


The MS ng site is so awful for finding things. I have the
Google archive of the msg open next to this one and did
various searches for items found in the msg, but the ms ng
search _doesn't_ bring up anything pertinent <sigh>. Very
frustrating. So I'm going to copy/paste, if that's okay
from the google message:

"From: Fred_is_stuck < (Fred_is_stuck.17ilo8@excelforum-
Subject: Re: Re: VB coding for showing "find" dialogue

View this article only
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.excel.programming
Date: 2004-06-07 21:36:59 PST

hi there Stargatefan,

I use this coding in my spreadsheets..... it finds every
instance of
what im looking for on a sheet without fail.... if the
data exists that
is lol.

I can't take credit for this coding and I can't give
credit to the
original coder as I don't know whom that was.

Hope it is of use to you.

you'll just need to copy it to a module

sub findthis()
Dim MyValue, MyFindNext
MyValue = InputBox("Type in what you are Searching
for.", "Search
On Error GoTo err_Trap
Cells.Find(What:=MyValue, After:=ActiveCell,
LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext,
MyFindNext = vbYes
Do Until MyFindNext <> vbYes
MyFindNext = MsgBox("Want to search for " & MyValue & "
Again?", _
vbYesNo, "Find Next")
If MyFindNext = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 91 Then
MsgBox "Awwww Sorry couldn't find " & MyValue & " anywhere
this sheet :blush:( ", , "Totally Unsuccessful search"
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub


This one seemed very promising and I believe it will work
as Fred says it does for him. What the difficulty is is
the word wrap. When the macro failed and I suddenly
realized why so many of the lines showed up red, it made
sense that there was word wrap that there shouldn't have
been. I messed about trying to fix this myself, but I
still get a lot of compiling errors.

Do you, Fred, or anyone know where this code can be found
on a webpage so that I can copy it intact?

Thanks so much; really appreciate all the help.


The MS ng site is so awful for finding things. I have the
Google archive of the msg open next to this one and did
various searches for items found in the msg, but the ms ng
search _doesn't_ bring up anything pertinent <sigh>. Very
frustrating. So I'm going to copy/paste, if that's okay
from the google message:

(Working from home again; wish they'd allow us to install Agent at the
office! <g>)

Is there a way to get the coding with no word wrap so that it works,
Fred (or anyone)?

Thank you so much!
"From: Fred_is_stuck < (Fred_is_stuck.17ilo8@excelforum-
Subject: Re: Re: VB coding for showing "find" dialogue

View this article only
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.excel.programming
Date: 2004-06-07 21:36:59 PST

hi there Stargatefan,

I use this coding in my spreadsheets..... it finds every
instance of
what im looking for on a sheet without fail.... if the
data exists that
is lol.

I can't take credit for this coding and I can't give
credit to the
original coder as I don't know whom that was.

Hope it is of use to you.

you'll just need to copy it to a module

sub findthis()
Dim MyValue, MyFindNext
MyValue = InputBox("Type in what you are Searching
for.", "Search
On Error GoTo err_Trap
Cells.Find(What:=MyValue, After:=ActiveCell,
LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext,
MyFindNext = vbYes
Do Until MyFindNext <> vbYes
MyFindNext = MsgBox("Want to search for " & MyValue & "
Again?", _
vbYesNo, "Find Next")
If MyFindNext = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 91 Then
MsgBox "Awwww Sorry couldn't find " & MyValue & " anywhere
this sheet :blush:( ", , "Totally Unsuccessful search"
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub


This one seemed very promising and I believe it will work
as Fred says it does for him. What the difficulty is is
the word wrap. When the macro failed and I suddenly
realized why so many of the lines showed up red, it made
sense that there was word wrap that there shouldn't have
been. I messed about trying to fix this myself, but I
still get a lot of compiling errors.

Do you, Fred, or anyone know where this code can be found
on a webpage so that I can copy it intact?

Thanks so much; really appreciate all the help.


StargateFan said:
On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 07:05:45 -0700, "Bridget"

Is there a way to get the coding with no word wrap so that it works,
Fred (or anyone)?

Can anyone suggest what to do about the word wrap? I've still not
successfully gotten this code to work as I suspect there may be
incorrect syntax due to word wrap.

Thank you!! :blush:D
"From: Fred_is_stuck < (Fred_is_stuck.17ilo8@excelforum-
Subject: Re: Re: VB coding for showing "find" dialogue
hi there Stargatefan,

I use this coding in my spreadsheets..... it finds every
instance of
what im looking for on a sheet without fail.... if the
data exists that
is lol.

I can't take credit for this coding and I can't give
credit to the
original coder as I don't know whom that was.

Hope it is of use to you.

you'll just need to copy it to a module

sub findthis()
Dim MyValue, MyFindNext
MyValue = InputBox("Type in what you are Searching
for.", "Search
On Error GoTo err_Trap
Cells.Find(What:=MyValue, After:=ActiveCell,
LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext,
MyFindNext = vbYes
Do Until MyFindNext <> vbYes
MyFindNext = MsgBox("Want to search for " & MyValue & "
Again?", _
vbYesNo, "Find Next")
If MyFindNext = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 91 Then
MsgBox "Awwww Sorry couldn't find " & MyValue & " anywhere
this sheet :blush:( ", , "Totally Unsuccessful search"
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub


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