variables and parameters



I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter value.

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , , acDialog

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup. I'm
trying to find the group of people to send an email to.
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the group
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email

Rob Oldfield

You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field on GroupParamEmail...
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to mail... could you go into
a bit more detail please.


Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's driving
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting Group
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -skip it if
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box, an
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form that
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get the
input from the user, dimension new variables which will to
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your running
function. Your custom input box form will call this sub
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is solely to
accept the values from your input form as parameters and
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add a
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying as
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data back
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for the
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using code
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ " means
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub procedure to
notify your running function if the user clicked a cancel
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field on GroupParamEmail...
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to mail... could you go into
a bit more detail please.

I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter value.

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , , acDialog

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup. I'm
trying to find the group of people to send an email to.
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the group
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email


Rob Oldfield

I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you want the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what it is that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the choice you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail... is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If not... then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those addresses?)

SillySally said:
Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's driving
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting Group
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -skip it if
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box, an
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form that
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get the
input from the user, dimension new variables which will to
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your running
function. Your custom input box form will call this sub
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is solely to
accept the values from your input form as parameters and
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add a
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying as
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data back
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for the
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using code
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ " means
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub procedure to
notify your running function if the user clicked a cancel
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field on GroupParamEmail...
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to mail... could you go into
a bit more detail please.

I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter value.

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , , acDialog

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup. I'm
trying to find the group of people to send an email to.
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the group
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email



Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this working.
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access. They
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail that
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the sql
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group the
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem. It's
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID, EmailName)
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart, GroupEnd)
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still don't
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would be.
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND something
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you want the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what it is that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the choice you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail... is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If not... then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those addresses?)

Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's driving
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting Group
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -skip it if
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box, an
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form that
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get the
input from the user, dimension new variables which will to
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your running
function. Your custom input box form will call this sub
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is solely to
accept the values from your input form as parameters and
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add a
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying as
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data back
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for the
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using code
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ " means
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub procedure to
notify your running function if the user clicked a cancel
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

"SillySally" <[email protected]> wrote
I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter value.

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , , acDialog

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup. I'm
trying to find the group of people to send an email to.
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the group
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email



Rob Oldfield

OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a many-to-many
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although... what's going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you set the tables up by
the way?)

SillySally said:
Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this working.
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access. They
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail that
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the sql
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group the
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem. It's
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID, EmailName)
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart, GroupEnd)
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still don't
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would be.
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND something
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you want the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what it is that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the choice you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail... is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If not... then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those addresses?)

Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's driving
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting Group
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -skip it if
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box, an
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form that
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get the
input from the user, dimension new variables which will to
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your running
function. Your custom input box form will call this sub
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is solely to
accept the values from your input form as parameters and
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add a
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying as
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data back
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for the
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using code
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ " means
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub procedure to
notify your running function if the user clicked a cancel
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field on
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to mail...
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter value.

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup.
trying to find the group of people to send an email to.
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email




Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have started
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real example:
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a value
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between Groups and
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has evolved
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit" for
the bad. Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a many-to-many
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although... what's going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you set the tables up by
the way?)

Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this working.
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access. They
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail that
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the sql
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group the
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem. It's
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID, EmailName)
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart, GroupEnd)
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still don't
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would be.
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND something
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what it
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail... is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those addresses?)

"SillySally" <[email protected]> wrote
Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's driving
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting Group
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -skip
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box, an
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form that
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get the
input from the user, dimension new variables which
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your running
function. Your custom input box form will call this sub
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is
accept the values from your input form as parameters and
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add a
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying as
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data back
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for the
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using code
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ " means
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub
notify your running function if the user clicked a cancel
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to mail...
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter value.

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup.
trying to find the group of people to send an
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email




Rob Oldfield

In which case you just need to change your original code to...

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember INNER JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID " + _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr(Me.YourComboName) + _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set rst=db.openrecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound column on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in that with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to see what it is doing.

SillySally said:
Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have started
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real example:
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a value
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between Groups and
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has evolved
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit" for
the bad. Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a many-to-many
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although... what's going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you set the tables up by
the way?)

Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this working.
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access. They
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail that
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the sql
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group the
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem. It's
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID, EmailName)
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart, GroupEnd)
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still don't
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would be.
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND something
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you want
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what it is
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the choice
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If not...
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those addresses?)

Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -skip it
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box, an
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form that
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get
input from the user, dimension new variables which will
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your
function. Your custom input box form will call this sub
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is solely
accept the values from your input form as parameters and
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add a
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying as
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data back
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for the
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub procedure
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens? I
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup.
trying to find the group of people to send an email
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email





I have no idea you could do that with sql in vb code!

I put in CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ")
FindGroup is the combo box on GroupParam form. But I'm
getting an error message- Compile error: method or data
member not found. I'm not even sure what CStr is being
used for. Help says to use CStr to convert a number to a
string. Do I need to define it in the "Dim" section?

Here's what I have so far. I think I did the db section as
you suggested:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Dim CStr As ?
'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMember
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
End Sub

Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
In which case you just need to change your original code to...

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember INNER JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID " + _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr(Me.YourComboName) + _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set rst=db.openrecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound column on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in that with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to see what it is doing.

Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have started
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real example:
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a value
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between Groups and
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has evolved
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit" for
the bad. Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a many-to-many
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although...
going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you set the tables up by
the way?)

"SillySally" <[email protected]> wrote
Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this working.
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access. They
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail that
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the sql
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem. It's
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID, EmailName)
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart, GroupEnd)
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still don't
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would be.
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [EmailName]
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND something
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you want
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the choice
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If not...
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those addresses?)

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For example,
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the report
creates mail labels for all People who are in the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also belong
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting
titled "How to create your won input box forms and pause
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get
or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box isn't
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get input,
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get
input from the user, dimension new variables which will
hold the return values which the user selects or enters
into your input form.The value of these variables will
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make these
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your
function. Your custom input box form will call
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is solely
accept the values from your input form as
to set the new module level variables equal to the value
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box form.
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your running
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You have to
specifically specify opening it in your running function
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now
call to the sub procedure you just wrote.
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or option
groups etc. from your form. This will send the
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub procedure
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter field
a parameter you have to enter when the form
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is FindGroup.
trying to find the group of people to send an email
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for the
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email





Rob Oldfield

The CStr is just there to convert the (integer I think) value produced by
the combo into a string that can be written into the SQL statement. No Dims
necessary. Which form are you trying to run this from? It should be on the
same one as the choice of mail group.

SillySally said:
I have no idea you could do that with sql in vb code!

I put in CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ")
FindGroup is the combo box on GroupParam form. But I'm
getting an error message- Compile error: method or data
member not found. I'm not even sure what CStr is being
used for. Help says to use CStr to convert a number to a
string. Do I need to define it in the "Dim" section?

Here's what I have so far. I think I did the db section as
you suggested:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Dim CStr As ?
'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMember
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
End Sub

Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
In which case you just need to change your original code to...

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember INNER JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID " + _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr(Me.YourComboName) + _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set rst=db.openrecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound column on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in that with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to see what it is doing.

Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have started
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real example:
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a value
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between Groups and
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has evolved
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit" for
the bad. Thanks, Sal

-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although... what's
going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in
GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you
set the tables up by
the way?)

Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access.
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail that
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem.
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID,
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart,
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what it
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list of
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those

Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a
group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the
creates mail labels for all People who are in
the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting
titled "How to create your won input box forms and
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) - skip
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information
or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no
way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box,
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need to get
input from the user, dimension new variables which
hold the return values which the user selects or
into your input form.The value of these variables
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your
function. Your custom input box form will call this
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is
accept the values from your input form as parameters
to set the new module level variables equal to the
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You
have to
specifically specify opening it in your running
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now add
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens?
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is
trying to find the group of people to send an
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email






Thanks. I'm confused. "Which form are you trying to run
this from? It should be on the same one as the choice of
mail group."

My LabelsAndLists form has a command button that executes
this code OnClick. When the button is clicked, I want the
GroupParamEmail form to open so the user can select from
the combo box FindGroup. I want the code to use FindGroup
(GroupID) to compare against the Contact's GroupID. And
chose who to send an email to.

Are you saying that instead, I should have the user select
the GroupParamEmail form and have a command button on it
that runs the code? That's not really what I was
thinking. And that seems strange in that the code calls
to open GroupParamEmail, not be on it. Am I missing many
things? Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
The CStr is just there to convert the (integer I think) value produced by
the combo into a string that can be written into the SQL statement. No Dims
necessary. Which form are you trying to run this from? It should be on the
same one as the choice of mail group.

I have no idea you could do that with sql in vb code!

I put in CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ")
FindGroup is the combo box on GroupParam form. But I'm
getting an error message- Compile error: method or data
member not found. I'm not even sure what CStr is being
used for. Help says to use CStr to convert a number to a
string. Do I need to define it in the "Dim" section?

Here's what I have so far. I think I did the db section as
you suggested:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Dim CStr As ?
'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMember
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
End Sub

Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
In which case you just need to change your original
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember INNER JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID "
+ _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr
+ _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set rst=db.openrecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound
on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in
with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to
what it is doing.
"SillySally" <[email protected]> wrote
Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have started
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real example:
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a value
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has evolved
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit" for
the bad. Thanks, Sal

-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although... what's
going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in
GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you
set the tables up by
the way?)

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access.
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists) that
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that Group
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem.
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID,
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart,
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I could
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup ("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc (feel
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those

Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a
group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the
creates mail labels for all People who are in
the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is loop
through all People with email addresses that also
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting
titled "How to create your won input box forms and
code for user input" which seems exactly what I need.
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after
***) -
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information
or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no
way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box,
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which the
running function is in, and for which you need
input from the user, dimension new variables which
hold the return values which the user selects or
into your input form.The value of these variables
be "visible" to your running function after the user
enters their selections. There's no need to make
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your
function. Your custom input box form will call this
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is
accept the values from your input form as parameters
to set the new module level variables equal to the
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You
have to
specifically specify opening it in your running
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form,
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait for
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using
like the following in you main procedure ( an " _ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens?
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is
trying to find the group of people to send an
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email







Hi. I'm good with calling the code from a command button
on GroupParamEmail, if I can get it to work! I think I'm
having pretty good luck, but at work we use GroupWise so
I can't really test it out. I did get to the point where
the code was trying to send the email, so that's a good
sign. I'll post after I get home to let you know. I'm
loving the sql statement- I could never figure out how to
have sql in vb. Thanks, Sal. This is what I'm working
with now:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
'Dim strGroup As String
'Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Open GroupParamEmail
'DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMembers
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMembers.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMembers.GroupID)="
+ CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd)
Is Null));"
'strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
'strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email Group"
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
The CStr is just there to convert the (integer I think) value produced by
the combo into a string that can be written into the SQL statement. No Dims
necessary. Which form are you trying to run this from? It should be on the
same one as the choice of mail group.

I have no idea you could do that with sql in vb code!

I put in CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ")
FindGroup is the combo box on GroupParam form. But I'm
getting an error message- Compile error: method or data
member not found. I'm not even sure what CStr is being
used for. Help says to use CStr to convert a number to a
string. Do I need to define it in the "Dim" section?

Here's what I have so far. I think I did the db section as
you suggested:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Dim CStr As ?
'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMember
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID) =" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
End Sub

Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
In which case you just need to change your original
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember
JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID "
+ _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr
+ _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set rst=db.openrecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound
on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in
with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to
what it is doing.
"SillySally" <[email protected]> wrote
Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have started
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real example:
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a value
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has evolved
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take
ALL "credit"
the bad. Thanks, Sal

-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although... what's
going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in
GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you
set the tables up by
the way?)

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't just
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off their
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access.
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID, Groups.GroupName
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which Group
user wants to email and which Contacts are in
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem.
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID,
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart,
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
FROM Groups INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN GroupMembers
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the Group
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz ([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup ("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a combo
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those

Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box field,
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a
group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the
creates mail labels for all People who are in
the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list
through all People with email addresses that also
to the user specified group. Hope that explanation
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC Consulting
titled "How to create your won input box forms and
code for user input" which seems exactly what
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after
***) -
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get information
or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no
way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input box,
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a form
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module
running function is in, and for which you
need to
input from the user, dimension new variables which
hold the return values which the user selects or
into your input form.The value of these variables
be "visible" to your running function after
enters their selections. There's no need to make
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your
function. Your custom input box form will call this
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is
accept the values from your input form as parameters
to set the new module level variables equal to the
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You
have to
specifically specify opening it in your running
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form,
call to the sub procedure you just wrote. Specifying
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or
groups etc. from your form. This will send the data
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by using
like the following in you main procedure (
an "
_ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your process.

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter
a parameter you have to enter when the form opens?
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

[email protected]...
I am trying to write a subprocess that will set a
variable equal to an end-user selected parameter

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is
trying to find the group of people to send an
I have the emailing code, but I'm having problems
figuring out how to integrate this group selection
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for
selection to the OnClose event of GroupParamEmail.

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset ("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email






Rob Oldfield

So which line is the compile error highlighting? And what's the text of the

SillySally said:
Hi. I'm good with calling the code from a command button
on GroupParamEmail, if I can get it to work! I think I'm
having pretty good luck, but at work we use GroupWise so
I can't really test it out. I did get to the point where
the code was trying to send the email, so that's a good
sign. I'll post after I get home to let you know. I'm
loving the sql statement- I could never figure out how to
have sql in vb. Thanks, Sal. This is what I'm working
with now:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
'Dim strGroup As String
'Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Open GroupParamEmail
'DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMembers
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMembers.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMembers.GroupID)="
+ CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd)
Is Null));"
'strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
'strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email Group"
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
The CStr is just there to convert the (integer I think) value produced by
the combo into a string that can be written into the SQL statement. No Dims
necessary. Which form are you trying to run this from? It should be on the
same one as the choice of mail group.

I have no idea you could do that with sql in vb code!

I put in CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ")
FindGroup is the combo box on GroupParam form. But I'm
getting an error message- Compile error: method or data
member not found. I'm not even sure what CStr is being
used for. Help says to use CStr to convert a number to a
string. Do I need to define it in the "Dim" section?

Here's what I have so far. I think I did the db section as
you suggested:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Dim CStr As ?
'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMember
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID) =" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
End Sub

Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
In which case you just need to change your original code

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember INNER
JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID "
+ _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr (Me.YourComboName)
+ _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally
better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound column
on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that
gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in that
with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a
breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to see
what it is doing.

Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts
serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between Groups
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit"
the bad. Thanks, Sal

-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although...
going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in
GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you
set the tables up by
the way?)

Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access.
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists)
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks off the
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID,
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem.
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID,
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart,
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND
((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought maybe I
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz ([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup ("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're
trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit OK, you
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
Thanks for taking an interest in my question- it's
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a
group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For
the end-user selects "Board of Directors" and the
creates mail labels for all People who are in
the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is
through all People with email addresses that also
to the user specified group. Hope that
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC
titled "How to create your won input box forms and
code for user input" which seems exactly what I
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get
or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user
only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no
way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which
running function is in, and for which you need to
input from the user, dimension new variables which
hold the return values which the user selects or
into your input form.The value of these variables
be "visible" to your running function after the
enters their selections. There's no need to make
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module as your
function. Your custom input box form will call
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is
accept the values from your input form as
to set the new module level variables equal to the
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You
have to
specifically specify opening it in your running
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now
call to the sub procedure you just wrote.
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or
groups etc. from your form. This will send the
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by
like the following in you main procedure ( an "
_ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter
a parameter you have to enter when the form
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

[email protected]...
I am trying to write a subprocess that will
set a
variable equal to an end-user selected

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail",
acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is
trying to find the group of people to send an
I have the emailing code, but I'm having
figuring out how to integrate this group
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for
selection to the OnClose event of

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset ("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email







Sorry, I had to wait to run it on my home system with
Outlook rather than at work with GroupWise.

Run-time error '2295':Unknown message recipient(s); the
message was not sent.

Debug stops at
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email

I figured out the problem. I had some Contacts associated
with a Group but the Contacts did not have an email
address. So the strTo had extra ;s in it:
(e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed);;; jane@doenet

I put a GMemberEnd date on those Contacts and it worked!
However, there may be Contacts without email that are in
Groups. So I added to sql:
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMembers
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMembers.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMembers.GroupID)=" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is
Null) AND ((Contacts.EmailName) Is Not Null));"

AND IT WORKED!!!! You totally and completely ROCK!
Thanks for writing code for me, but at least know that I
learned a lot! Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
So which line is the compile error highlighting? And what's the text of the

Hi. I'm good with calling the code from a command button
on GroupParamEmail, if I can get it to work! I think I'm
having pretty good luck, but at work we use GroupWise so
I can't really test it out. I did get to the point where
the code was trying to send the email, so that's a good
sign. I'll post after I get home to let you know. I'm
loving the sql statement- I could never figure out how to
have sql in vb. Thanks, Sal. This is what I'm working
with now:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
'Dim strGroup As String
'Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Open GroupParamEmail
'DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMembers
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMembers.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMembers.GroupID)="
+ CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd)
Is Null));"
'strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
'strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email Group"
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
The CStr is just there to convert the (integer I think) value produced by
the combo into a string that can be written into the
statement. No Dims
necessary. Which form are you trying to run this from? It should be on the
same one as the choice of mail group.

"SillySally" <[email protected]> wrote
I have no idea you could do that with sql in vb code!

I put in CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ")
FindGroup is the combo box on GroupParam form. But I'm
getting an error message- Compile error: method or data
member not found. I'm not even sure what CStr is being
used for. Help says to use CStr to convert a number to a
string. Do I need to define it in the "Dim" section?

Here's what I have so far. I think I did the db section as
you suggested:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sql As String
Dim db As Database
'Dim CStr As ?
'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail", acNormal, , , ,

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EmailName FROM GroupMember
INNER JOIN " + "Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID =
Contacts.ContactID " + "WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID) =" +
CStr(Me.FindGroup) + ") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
End Sub

Thanks, Sal
-----Original Message-----
In which case you just need to change your original code

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT Contacts.EMailName FROM GroupMember INNER
JOIN " + _
"Contacts ON GroupMember.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID "
+ _
"WHERE (((GroupMember.GroupID)=" + CStr (Me.YourComboName)
+ _
") AND ((GroupMember.GMemberEnd) Is Null));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Note... rather than using CurrentDB you're generally
better off doing... dim
db as database... set db=currentdb and then set

With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , strTo, "Email
Group "

....and that's providing that GroupID is the bound column
on your combo
(which it should be).

It's really just a case of building an SQL string that
gives you *any* list
of addresses.... and then replacing the key value in that
with a reference
to the control that you're using. You can drop a
breakpoint into the code
and copy the SQL variable out into a query window to see
what it is doing.

"SillySally" <[email protected]>
Hi. I set up GMemberStart and GMemberEnd (both date
fields) to specify the start and end dates in the Group
for the Contact. For example, a Group could have
01/05/05 but this particular Contact didn't start being
associated with the Group until 02/13/05. A real
Board of Directors is an on-going group. Contacts
serve 2
years and then stop being on the Board. Rather than
setting up a new Group, we can just set the Contact's
GMemberEnd date and leave Group going. That way when I
want to send email to the Board, I tell the email code
(someday!) not to send email to the Contacts with a
in GMemberEnd.

GroupMemberID is the key of GroupMember table.
GroupMember is the "intermediary" table between Groups
Sample data: GroupMemberID, ContactID, GroupID,
GMemberStart and GMemberEnd

9, 95, 5, 01/01/02
10, 95, 6, 05/01/02

This means that ContactID = 95 is a memeber of 2 Groups
(Board of Directors, starting 01/01/02) and (Reading
piolot, starting 05/01/02). That also means that
ContactID = 95 has two GroupMemberIDs.

Did I put this together? Perhaps. The database has
(sort of) over a couple of years and is stuck together
with logic and spit. I do have a database designing
friend that helped in the beginning, but I give away
almost all credit for the good, and take ALL "credit"
the bad. Thanks, Sal

-----Original Message-----
OK. That looks good. It's certainly correct to have a
relationship from Contacts to Groups (although...
going into the
GroupMember, GMemberStart and GMemberEnd fields in
GroupMember? Could you
just give me some sample data from that table. Did you
set the tables up by
the way?)

Demanding I can be ;-)
So, I suppose what you're saying is "code doesn't
happen". Rats!
I do appreciate your efforts to help me get this
It's the "biggie" that will get my non-profit off
old system (Address Book- yikes!) and on to Access.
love their "groups" to segment the population.

Here's the process: I have a form (LabelsAndLists)
has a command button (EmailGroup) that kicks
emailing code. The code calls form GroupParamEmail
has an unbound combo box called FindGroup. Here's the
for FindGroup: SELECT Groups.GroupID,
FROM Groups
WHERE (((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null));

Then magic happens! Somehow the code knows which
user wants to email and which Contacts are in that
and sends the email to them. I do see the problem.
where "magic happens".

Here's the table structure
Contacts (my "main table", contains ContactID,
Groups (contains GroupID, GroupName, GroupStart,
GroupMember (contains GroupMember, ContactID,
GMemberStart, GMemberEnd)

I created qryGroups:
SELECT Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.EmailName,
ON Contacts.ContactID = GroupMembers.ContactID) ON
Groups.GroupID = GroupMembers.GroupID
WHERE (((GroupMembers.GMemberEnd) Is Null) AND
((Groups.GroupEnd) Is Null) AND
((Contacts.EmailName) Is
Not Null));
This gives me all Contacts in a Group (where both the
group itself and the Contact's involement in the
are "active") that have an Email address.

Now here's the pitiful attempt. I thought
use (see below) strWhere and strGroup. But I still
know what Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (X) would
Or how the user input from FindGroup interacts with
qryGroups- perhaps I would need FindGroup to equal
GroupName in strGroup. Here's the rest of the code:

Private Sub EmailGroup_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Dim strGroup As String

strWhere = "[ContactID] = " & Nz ([ContactID], 0)
strGroup = Nz(DLookup ("qryGroups", "GroupName",
strWhere), 0)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
FROM Contacts WHERE [EmailName] Is Not Null AND
about group members...")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Group
Email Link"
End Sub

-----Original Message-----
I still don't get exactly what process you're
trying to
use. Is this right?

You click a button on a form which pops up the
GroupParamEmail form... on
that you choose the group you want to mail (in a
that is also called
GroupParamEmail?)... and then, when you hit
the mail to be

If I have that wrong, then please let me know what
that you want to
happen in terms of picking options from forms etc
free to be
demanding, it can all be done)

Last thing... I don't see where you are using the
you make from the
combo to specify the people you want to mail...
is 'People' a query that
includes a criteria reference to that control? If
then how does that
work? How does 'Board of Directors' produce a list
addresses? (i.e.
what's the table structure that includes those

Thanks for taking an interest in my
me crazy.
I see that "parameter" is a bad description.

GroupParamEmail is simply an unbound combo box
FindGroup, that allows an end-user to choose a
group. I
use a similar form to run mailing labels. For
the end-user selects "Board of Directors"
creates mail labels for all People who are in
the "Board
of Directors" group.

So what I'm hoping to do with the email list is
through all People with email addresses that also
to the user specified group. Hope that
helps. I had found an article from ATTAC
titled "How to create your won input box forms and
code for user input" which seems exactly
It's long but I'll paste it in (see after ***) -
too annoying ;-)
Thanks, Sal
In your application you may need to get
or a
selection from a user that an a standard Input Box
designed to handle.
As an example, you may want to offer the user
only a
selection of one of two choices. Since there's no
way to
restrict what the user can enter into an input
input box won't work well.

To get around this limitation you can design a
acts as psudo input box, opening the form to get
and then when closed, resuming your code.

Here's how:

In the declarations section of the module which
running function is in, and for which you need to
input from the user, dimension new variables which
hold the return values which the user
into your input form.The value of these variables
be "visible" to your running function after the
enters their selections. There's no need to make
variables global variables.

Add a new sub procedure to the same module
function. Your custom input box form will call
procedure. The purpose of this sub procedure is
accept the values from your input form as
to set the new module level variables equal to the
of the parameters.

Design your own "input box" form as a dialog box
When a dialog box is opened, it will cause your
code to "pause" until the dialog is closed. (You
have to
specifically specify opening it in your running
as "acDialog".)

In the OnClose event of your input box form, now
call to the sub procedure you just wrote.
parameter values, the values of the text boxes or
groups etc. from your form. This will send the
to your module when the dialog is closed.

You can also make your main code pause and wait
user's input and for non-dialog style forms by
like the following in you main procedure ( an "
_ "
the line continues on the next line show here):
DoCmd OpenForm "MyForm", acNormal

While SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, _
"My Form Name") = acObjStateOpen
DoEvents 'Do Nothing Wait for Closing

[Resume Code here]

You can also include a parameter in your sub
notify your running function if the user clicked a
button rather than an OK button to end your

-----Original Message-----
You're close. What do you mean by the parameter
a parameter you have to enter when the form
don't quite get how
you're choosing to specify the people you want to
could you go into
a bit more detail please.

[email protected]...
I am trying to write a subprocess that will
set a
variable equal to an end-user selected

So far I have:
Dim strGroup As String

'Open GroupParamEmail
DoCmd.OpenForm "GroupParamEmail",
acNormal, , , ,

That's it. Pitiful, I know.

The parameter field on GroupParamEmail is
trying to find the group of people to
I have the emailing code, but I'm having
figuring out how to integrate this group
parameter as the variable.

I believe I will need to add the subprocess for
selection to the OnClose event of

Any suggestions? Here's my emailing code:

Private Sub Email_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTo As String
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset ("SELECT
FROM People")
With rst
Do Until .EOF
strTo = strTo & ![EmailName] & ";"
End With
strTo = Left(strTo, Len(strTo) - 1)
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , ,
strTo, "Email







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