variable not declared error & syntax error


G. Beard

Can anybody shed some light on this. I'm getting a variable not declared
error at:

wsTarget.Range("K1") = sum

When I take out the "Option Explicit" I then get a syntax error at:

Set SourceData = .Range(.Cells(SourceRowindex, "A"),

Here's my code which copies data from different sheets in the same workbook
to sheet1:

Option Explicit
Sub CopyData()
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet
Dim TargetRowindex As Long
Dim SourceRowindex As Long
Dim sheetindex As Long
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim SourceData As Range
Set wsTarget = Worksheets("Sheet1")
wsTarget.Range("K1") = sum
For sheetindex = 2 To 9
Set wsSource = Worksheets("Sheet" & sheetindex)
SourceRowindex = 1
With wsSource
Do Until .Cells(SourceRowindex, "H") = ""
If .Cells(SourceRowindex, "H") < 100 Then
Set SourceData = .Range(.Cells(SourceRowindex, "A"),
..Cells(SourceRowindex, "I"))
TargetRowindex = TargetRowindex + 1
wsTarget.Range(wsTarget.Cells(TargetRowindex, "A"), _
"I")).Value = _

End If

SourceRowindex = SourceRowindex + 1
End With

End Sub

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


What is Sum. It is not declared as a variable in the local procedure so
unless it is declared globally then that is your missing declaration. If it
is declared globally then I would suggest that it should probably be changed
since sum is a reserved word (function application.sum())

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