Vanishing files



Admittedly Newbie question.... I've had Vista for about two days on a brand
new PC

I tried to save a text file attachment from an email. The file was saved to
a subfolder folder of an application in Program Files. I appeared to save
correctly, no issues identified.

I go to the subfolder to open the file, and it doesn't show up in the

I go back and try to save the file again and am asked if I want to overwrite
the existing file?

What gives? I am adminstrator on the PC, so should (I think have complete
access) but the file in question is somehow hidden.

Any clues what is happening?

Thanks in Advance

Ronnie Vernon MVP


The Program Files folder is security restricted in Vista. You should not
attempt to use this folder for storing files.

Files that are saved to this folder will automatically be virtualized. When
you open the folder where you saved the file, look on the Command Bar and
you should see a 'Compatibility Files' button. Click this button and it will
open the folder where the file was actually saved. This will be somewhere in
the Virtual Store folder of your user account folders.

If you want to save files, you should save them to a folder somewhere in
your user account folders. ( ie: C:\Users\your username )

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