

Some questions about the SET DATEFIRST-function...

When I do a "SELECT @@DATEFIRST" then I got "7", which is normal and the

When I open a Blank Query in the Query Analyzer and I do a "SET DATEFIRST
1", and I do afterwarths in the same (!!) Query-window a "SELECT
@@DATEFIRST" I receive "1", which is also normal and expected.


When I run after that in another (!!) Query window the "SELECT @@DATEFIRST"
I receive "7".. and not "1" as I expected...

Or when I do a "SET DATEFIRST 1", and after that I close the Query Analyzer
and open a new one and do a "SELECT @@DATEFIRST" I also receive "7"....

So now my question/remark: it seems to me that the "SET DATEFIRST3 function
doesn't really affec the SQL Server, but only the query's that follow. Is
this true or not? For me that's good behaviour, because I don't want to
afect the settigns of my SQL Server, But I need to be sure....

Thansk a lot in advance,


Tibor Karaszi

Yes, SET setting only affects the current connection. Or only the stored procedure or trigger if
executed inside a stored procedure or trigger.


Thanks for the quick answer!!

Tibor Karaszi said:
Yes, SET setting only affects the current connection. Or only the stored procedure or trigger if
executed inside a stored procedure or trigger.

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