Validation process to cancel New user Wizard step?




I have created a couple of CreateUserSteps infront of the default one. I use
control validators for most of the fields but in the State drop down list I
want to make sure the user has chosed a state or prov. The first row in the
drop down list is
"select state/prov" so I want to make sure that when they hit the next
button that has changed. I tried the Next(click_event) but even when the data
is not valid it changes screens to the next step. Is there a way to abort the
change and stay on the same step?



In the NextButtonClick event of the Wizard control put the following

protected void Wizard1_NextButtonClick(object sender,
WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
if (!IsValid)
e.Cancel = true;

That should do it. The WizardNavigationEventArgs passed to the event
handler has a property named Cancel that when set to true will abort
the navigation to the next step.

Hope this helps.

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