Validating random numbers



I need to generate a list of 10 random numbers, between 3 and 78. These
represent identification numbers of stores. However, some of those numbers
are not valid (i.e., 13, 15, 20-49,55-57). I used "randbetween" to get the
numbers between 3 and 78. I've tried various combinations of "IF" and "AND"
to screen out the numbers I don't want. Anybody have a way to do this?

Jason Morin

You could put all valid numbers in A1:A41 and use:


Remember, RANDBETWEEN may return the same value more than
once. To produce 10 *unique* random numbers within your
given range is a little more complex.

Atlanta, GA


Another option to try ..

Assuming, as per Jason's response,
the valid numbers are placed in A1:A41

Put in B1: =RAND()
Copy down to B41

Put in C1:

Copy C1 down to C10

This will return 10 random, non repeating numbers
from the list in A1:A41

(Or, just copy down to C41 to get the full lot randomly scrambled!)

Tapping F9 will recalc and re-generate afresh

Freeze the results elsewhere
with a copy > paste special > values > OK

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