UTC Time zone and Now() function



I have a database in which all date and time fields will be entered in UTC
time. I need a query to give me records from the past 30 days. I am
currently using "Now()-30" to give me this information. However, it's off by
5 hours because I'm in EST zone (or is it 4 now?). In any case, I need to
find a way to use UTC/Greenwich.

I have several queries, not just the past 30 days, but also past 24 hours
and 90 days. I have seen the "GetSystemTime" function in other postings, and
will play around with that. However, I am unsure of how to apply that in a
set of queries instead of a form. Perhaps I put it in my main form, and then
pull that as a parameter when running the query?

Any thoughts are appreciated. I need to find a way to pull the records in
an accurate time frame, and being off 4-5 hours is not acceptable in this


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