Using after new instance of excel application


George J

Basically, i have a workbook that when opened, displays a
userform with three buttons. (I only need the first one.)
When this button is pressed it will open up another excel
application and workbook.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
xlApp.Visible = True

If Not xlApp Is Nothing Then
xlApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:\test2 - del.xls"
End If

End Sub

This part works ok in opening Test2 - del.xls in a new
instance of excel.

In this new workbook i cannot open another workbook.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wb As Workbook

Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:\George J.xls"
End Sub

My original code is more complicated than this but if
anyone can tell me how to get this working i will be
extremely grateful. I am using excel97


Tom Ogilvy

Why not

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
xlApp.Visible = True

If Not xlApp Is Nothing Then
xlApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:\test2 - del.xls"
xlApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:\George J.xls"
End If

End Sub

George J

Oh, if only i could.

As i said, this is a dumbed down example of what i am
trying to do.

When the workbook "Test2 - del" is opened it will show a
userform for data input. This will create new workbooks
and open existing workbooks based on various combobox

Due to the calculations involved, i wanted only 2
workbooks opened in the application. This would be
the "Test2 - del" (which has the userform i didn't mention
before), and whatever has been selected or created by the
settings of the comboboxes - in my example it was "George

When the button on the userform in "test2 - del" is
pressed, it is not known at this point what other workbook
needs to be opened.

sorry if this is getting confusing.

George J

Worked it out.

Well, not why it wasn't working, but how to get it to work.
All i needed was:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
shell "excel.exe" & chr(34) & "C:\test2 - del.xls" & chr
end sub

Had never use shell commands before and know there were
problems if you used long filenames or had spaces. Puting
double quotation marks around it sorted those problems,
but never thought of how to get this past the debugger in

I'm happy!!

thanks for the reply Tom.
-----Original Message-----
Oh, if only i could.

As i said, this is a dumbed down example of what i am
trying to do.

When the workbook "Test2 - del" is opened it will show a
userform for data input. This will create new workbooks
and open existing workbooks based on various combobox

Due to the calculations involved, i wanted only 2
workbooks opened in the application. This would be
the "Test2 - del" (which has the userform i didn't mention
before), and whatever has been selected or created by the
settings of the comboboxes - in my example it was "George

When the button on the userform in "test2 - del" is
pressed, it is not known at this point what other workbook
needs to be opened.

sorry if this is getting confusing.

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