Using Symbols (&/-) in In Two Dependent Drop Down Boxes. Can't get the VLOOKUP to work!!!


Darren D.

Hey all,

I have a category list of products and then a list of brand names for
each product. So, I set up a series of drop down boxes (using Data
Validation) for the categories and then a second series dependent
which category you pick in the first, for the brand names. HERE IS MY
PROBLEM: When I set up the category list I had to create them as
One-Word-Names. I tried to set up a lookup table with the real
category names (multiple words and symbols), but I can't seem to get
the first drop down box to reference the lookup without then screwing
up the Data Validation of the second (dependent) drop-down box? If
anybody can follow this I'm impressed. If you can help, I'll be
indebted. Thanks in advance.



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