Using Sum If and an array?



Hi all,

I have the data below and want to do the following: In ONE cell, I want
there to be a count of the IDs that have an X in more than one rule. In the
case below, ID 1 would be counted, but ID 2 would not, ID 3 would, etc. Any
help? Thanks!

ID Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5
1 X X
2 X
3 X X
5 X
6 X
7 X X
8 X
9 X
10 X
13 X X
15 X
16 X
18 X
19 X
20 X
21 X
22 X X
23 X X X


By the way, if it makes it easier, the Xs are actually 1s. I don't know if
this makes using some sort of sum function easier.


If you only need a count, you could add a helper formula in a column
after your data that counts the 1s like =IF(COUNT(B2:F2)>1,1,0) and
then where ever you want to display the actual count you could just
sum that range.

Zack Barresse

Hi there,

You could use something like this...


It would not, however, identify which items (IDs) would quantify that
return. To do that you would probably be best off with a helper column.
You could also do this in a pivot table.

Zack Barresse

Even though the requirements of the OP was for "one cell" formula, I agree
about the helper column. It opens the door to many other possibilities in
regards to identification and such.

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