using reply with OE



I know this is an Outlook forum, and my question is about OE, but it involves Outlook, so I wondered if I might be able to get some help from here.
I'm using Outlook Express for my online class. We do nearly all of our class work through class room newsgroups. I have the newsgroups set up alright in OE. I have Office 2000 (with Outlook) installed on my Win2K PC. I have 3 mail accounts set up on OE (one for my ISP, one with Hotmail, and one for my online class.) I don't use Outlook, but I had once set up my default (ISP mail) account in Outlook.
Ok, the question: When I reply to a single person directly who had posted to the class newsgroup, a little "Choose Profile" window pops up (before I get to type the reply) asking for a "Profile Name" and offering a dialog box which defaults to "MS Exchange Profile", or gives me the option of pressing a button named "New". I would like to simply use my class mail account, but how do I do that?
I tried to use the default "MS Exchange Profile" once, but noticed that I had no one in my address book and the little "MS Office" helpful paper clip came rolling in (leading me to think of a connection to Outlook.) I tried to set up a new exchange profile using my class mail information, but that had errors, and I noticed that it added a new account to my mail accounts in OE.
Anyone got an idea?


I'm sorry - seems I've answered my own question.
Looking frantically all over the place I noticed some other posts here and there, and since I had thought maybe something about Outlook and default handling of stuff, these other posts jogged an idea that I've tried and worked.
I logged in as the administrator, changed default mail to OE (apparently it changes automatically when you install Office?) and now I can reply to an individual's e-mail who posted to the newsgroup using my OE mail account.
Sorry to bother everyone - I know it must be difficult seeing someone (stuck in the dark ages) who insists on using OE. Thanks for not flaming me.

I know this is an Outlook forum, and my question is about OE, but it involves Outlook, so I wondered if I might be able to get some help from here.
I'm using Outlook Express for my online class. We do nearly all of our class work through class room newsgroups. I have the newsgroups set up alright in OE. I have Office 2000 (with Outlook) installed on my Win2K PC. I have 3 mail accounts set up on OE (one for my ISP, one with Hotmail, and one for my online class.) I don't use Outlook, but I had once set up my default (ISP mail) account in Outlook.
Ok, the question: When I reply to a single person directly who had posted to the class newsgroup, a little "Choose Profile" window pops up (before I get to type the reply) asking for a "Profile Name" and offering a dialog box which defaults to "MS Exchange Profile", or gives me the option of pressing a button named "New". I would like to simply use my class mail account, but how do I do that?
I tried to use the default "MS Exchange Profile" once, but noticed that I had no one in my address book and the little "MS Office" helpful paper clip came rolling in (leading me to think of a connection to Outlook.) I tried to set up a new exchange profile using my class mail information, but that had errors, and I noticed that it added a new account to my mail accounts in OE.
Anyone got an idea?

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