Using ODBC to make connections



I've come from a background of using ODBC DSN's on Web Servers to make
connections to SQL Server

I see in ADO.NET this has been dropped (cant find samples where it is
used) - may it's still there but I dont see examples.

Does this mean by NOT using ODBC DSN's a connection can be made faster ?

Background to statment: Making the connection is the slowest part of my SQL
Server based interaction

Any comments would be appreciated.

- peteZ

William \(Bill\) Vaughn

ADO.NET did not drop ODBC--it's included in the .NET Framework 1.1. In
version 1.0 of the Framework there was a free download of the Odbc .NET Data
Yes, using ODBC DSNs to persist the connect string data can be somewhat
slower than other techniques--but not by much and not after the first
connection (as the DSN information is cached).
ADO.NET (and the .NET data providers) are designed to optimize connecting by
implementing a connection pool. Actually, the connection pool has been
around for years so it should not connect any slower (or faster) than your
ADO classic code--after the first connection is made.
If making a connection is slow (after the first connection), then there's
something wrong.

Bill Vaughn
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