Using objEncoderParams when saving an image



I'm currently saving a JPG file as such:

imgOutput.Save("path/filename.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

That saves the imgOutput as a JPG to the path shown.

Works fine.

Now, I'd like to change the JPG compression it uses. I apparently can do
that with an EncoderParameter:

Dim objEncoderParams As New EncoderParameters(1)
objEncoderParams.Param(0) = New EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 500)
imgOutput.Save("path/filename.jpg", *encoder*, objEncoderParams)

What I'm stuck on is the 'encoder' value. What do I put there to? I assume I
need to tell it to use the JPG encoder, right? If so, I'm stuck on the


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