using network paths rather than drive letters in microsoft query



I have set up an Excel sheet that retrieves data from an Access database that
is stored on the local network. Microsoft Query stores the location of this
database with reference to a drive letter (i.e. S:\database.mdb). This causes
problems if another user tries to use the spreadsheet when the other user has
their drive letters mapped differently. Is it possible to store the data
source with the full address (i.e. \\server\path\database.mdb)?

Arvi Laanemets


This may cause problems otherwise. P.e. your network administrator decides
to rearrange folder structure on server, or migrates your database to
another server. With network resources mapped locally, you have only remap
the source, when you use network paths, you have to redesign your queries.

P.S. The best way is to reserve some drive letters for mapping widely used
sources, and do mapping via script when user logges on. Then network admin
must chenge script only.


Thanks for the tip. However, I still would like to use network paths rather
than drive letters. If you or anyone else can advise how to do this I would
still like to know.

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